
5 ways to make pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is a concentrate of nutrients for our body. Here's how to prepare it with 5 different techniques.

The pomegranate is one of the most mistreated fruits, thanks to the effort that goes into cleaning it. Yet it is a real concentrate of nutrients useful for getting through the winter. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins , pomegranate juice, even if the name of the fruit is pomegranate, can be prepared at home using some small utensils that you will surely have available.

Of course, with the extractor everything is simpler but even with this modern appliance you will still have to clean the fruit. Here's how to proceed effortlessly and thus be able to fully appreciate the goodness of pomegranate juice .

Pomegranate seeds

How to prepare pomegranate juice recipe

  1. First of all you have to take care of cleaning the pomegranate . Shelling it is a challenge for many, but there are many ways to do it. First, place it on a cutting board covered with cling film (if it is made of wood, this will help prevent it from getting dirty) and remove the crown, i.e. the part opposite the stem.
  2. Then cut it in half or quarters depending on how you will extract the juice. It should be cut into four parts if you need to remove all the beans, or in half if you use a citrus juicer instead.
  3. In this case it will be sufficient to squeeze it as if it were an orange, until all the juice is extracted. Transfer it to a glass and drink it immediately.

In this short video you can see how simple it is to make pomegranate juice.

If, however, you use an extractor , potato masher , mixer or food mill , then cut it into quarters and patiently remove all the white parts, with a bitter taste. With the exception of the extractor, the liquid obtained must be filtered through a fine mesh strainer to remove all impurities.

This season you can also make delicious grape juice , which is equally full of health benefits.

How to make pomegranate juice with the Thermomix

If you have a Thermomix at home, you can use it to extract juice from pomegranates.

  1. Cut the pomegranate in half and then shell the seeds .
  2. Place them in the bowl and once this operation is finished, run the machine for about 20 seconds. Speed 5 , then another 15 sec. at speed 6 .
  3. When you have obtained the juice, filter it with a special strainer and consume it immediately!

Pomegranate juice: properties and benefits for our body

Pomegranate juice is considered a real superfood . Freshly squeezed, therefore prepared with fresh fruits, it is rich in antioxidants . It is also a real concentrate of Vitamin C , therefore perfect for seasonal ailments, as well as being rich in potassium and phosphorus. Added to this are hypocholesterolemic properties (i.e. control of cholesterol levels).


Although the juice will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator, closed in an airtight container, we recommend consuming it as soon as it is made in order to appreciate the benefits just listed.

Read also
The best recipes with pomegranate, for dishes with a particular and unmistakable taste

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