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Chestnuts in syrup with rum

Chestnuts in syrup with rum

Simple and tasty, chestnuts in syrup are excellent to enjoy on any occasion. Here's our rum recipe!

Among the most popular ways of preserving chestnuts there is certainly the custom of putting them in sugar syrup . However, if you want to prepare a more refined recipe with chestnuts with an intense aroma, then all you have to do is make chestnuts in syrup with rum.

This version, tastier than traditional chestnuts in syrup, is simple to make but requires a little patience . In fact, you will have to first cook all the chestnuts, then peel them, prepare the syrup and once distributed in the jars, wait for it to form under vacuum. However, we guarantee that the result will repay all your efforts!

Boiled chestnuts
Boiled chestnuts

How to prepare the recipe for chestnuts in syrup with rum

  1. To prepare chestnuts in syrup, cut the fruits with a pointed knife or the appropriate tool. It is important to cut only the peel and not the fruit.
  2. Bring a pan of lightly salted water to the boil and add the chestnuts, allowing 10 minutes of cooking time after boiling again as is done with boiled chestnuts except that in this case they should be cooked less.
  3. Peel them while they are still hot, taking them out of the water one by one, and also carefully removing the skin.
  4. Transfer the chestnuts into sterilized glass jars without pressing too much.
  5. Once this is done, focus on the syrup. Place the sugar , water , vanilla extract and lemon zest in a pan and bring to the boil for 5 minutes .
  6. Then add the rum , remove the lemon peels and pour the still hot syrup into the jars to cover the chestnuts.
  7. Close immediately and turn the jars upside down until they have completely cooled so that the vacuum forms naturally. If this does not happen you can boil the jars for 20 minutes making sure that the water covers the caps by at least 2 inches.
  8. Once cold, transfer the jars to the pantry and let them rest for at least a month before enjoying them.

Rum chestnuts are excellent to serve at the end of a meal with coffee or with ice cream to create an unusual but delicious dessert. If well packaged, they represent an excellent gastronomic gift for Christmas: by preparing them in October they will have plenty of time to rest before being tasted. We also leave you a video where you can see all the steps to make them.

If you prefer a variant suitable for everyone, even the little ones, we recommend opting for the simpler chestnuts in syrup . You can flavor the syrup with vanilla or cinnamon or replace 150 g of sugar with 100 g of honey . It will give the preserve a particular aroma.


Jars of rum chestnuts will keep in the pantry for up to a year. Once opened, store them in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Read also
How to preserve chestnuts

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