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Carnival chatter: the recipe with the Thermomix

chat with the thermomix

Ingredients and recipe to prepare one of the most well-known and appreciated carnival desserts by adults and children: chiacchiere con Bimby!

Known by different names throughout Italy, they are one of the typical Carnival desserts. They make their appearance a few days after the epiphany and accompany us until Shrove Tuesday. We are talking about chiacchiere, prepared with a very simple dough based on eggs, sugar and flour obtained with the Bimby (you can use any TM5, TM6 or TM31 model ).

From the prepared dough you must then obtain thin strips which you will then fry in hot oil. Like all typical recipes, there are many versions of this dessert. There are those who add limoncello, those who add brandy, those who opt for lighter cooking in the oven and so on. Below we explain how to prepare chiacchiere with the Bimby, the food processor that is a true ally in the kitchen!

Carnival chatter
Carnival chatter


How to prepare the chiacchiere recipe with the Thermomix


First, pulverize the sugar with the lemon zest taken with a potato peeler without attacking the white part for 10 seconds. speed 10 .


Then pour the flour , eggs , seed oil and salt into the bowl and knead for 2 minutes. speed Spiga .


Also add the limoncello and white wine . Work for another 1 minute. Vel Spiga . Finish kneading the dough briefly on the pastry board, then wrap it in cling film and leave it to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Transfer the dough obtained onto a floured surface. Roll it out with a rolling pin until you obtain a very thin sheet (you can also divide it into three parts and roll them out one by one with the pasta machine).


With a serrated wheel , give the chatter the shape you prefer. Remember to always make the central incision.


Pour the seed oil into a large pan, put on the heat, heat well and fry the chiacchiere a few at a time. Brown them well, turning them from time to time. Drain them with a slotted spoon and pass them onto a plate lined with absorbent paper. Continue in this way to fry all the chatter.


Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.

Here is a short video with all the steps to make them.

Among the other Carnival desserts that you can prepare with the Thermomix are the graffe and thegliaccio .


The chatter will keep in a paper bag for up to 4-5 days.

Read also
The best Carnival recipes (to try during this period)

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