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How to cook boiled asparagus the correct way: photos and videos to avoid mistakes!

Cooking asparagus

Boiled asparagus is one of the basic recipes of our cuisine. Let's find out together how to prepare them without the appropriate pan.

Asparagus is the star vegetable of this season. It allows you to create dishes with a refined flavor and an inviting appearance, especially when served in the classic combination with eggs. Boiled asparagus is the starting point for many recipes: omelettes, crepes, savory pies but also bruschetta. In their basic version, however, they are to all intents and purposes among vegan recipes.

So let's find out what is the correct way to cook them , without having to resort to strange utensils or particular pots, with our photo steps and the video recipe . Simplicity in the kitchen is everything and it is important to learn to use the tools we have!

How to cook boiled asparagus

To obtain a good dish you need to start from good raw materials . Therefore, choosing asparagus is the first step. To do it correctly, check that the upper inflorescences are compact and bright green in color , not open. The stem should be firm and green, without marks or spots.

Once home, use them as soon as possible to prevent them from deteriorating.


How to prepare boiled asparagus


The first step is to wash the asparagus under running water.


Then proceed with cleaning the asparagus , removing the final part of the stem . This operation can be carried out with a knife, making a cut about 5 cm from the bottom or by bending the stem so that it breaks on its own where the woody part leaves room for the soft part.

Tagliare o strappare gambo asparagi

Now all you have to do is cook the asparagus. I find it unnecessary to get the appropriate pan for asparagus, so I recommend using a pan large enough to accommodate them lying down. Fill it with water, salt lightly and when it has reached the boil, dip the asparagus. The cooking time of the asparagus is approximately 10 minutes.

Cuocere asparagi

To maintain the bright green color, drain and immediately cool the asparagus in water and ice.

Asparagi lessi in acqua e ghiaccio

Boiled asparagus is the starting ingredient of many recipes. For a light and simple side dish, all you have to do is sauté them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and a clove of garlic. This way you will get a really simple and tasty vegan recipe. Try preparing an asparagus and strawberry salad for a different side dish.

Perfect boiled asparagus: 2 tips

  • The cooking time of asparagus also varies based on their size . 10 minutes refers to a medium-sized vegetable, while if you have purchased small asparagus 7 will be sufficient. If they are very large, however, you can go up to 13 minutes. In all cases, just prick them with a fork to see when they are sufficiently tender.
  • If you have purchased them but already know that you will not use them immediately , store them in the fridge in their paper or immerse the bunch of asparagus in a glass with two fingers of water. This way they won't lose hydration and will be perfect for when you want to cook.


Asparagus cooked in this way can be stored in a container with an airtight lid for a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator . Alternatively you can also freeze them in the freezer for about 2 months: divide them into smaller bundles and place them in a bag suitable for freezing.

Read also
Craving for asparagus? 13 wonderful dishes

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