
Anchovy meatballs, one leads to another

anchovy meatballs

The fried anchovy balls are really simple to prepare and with their strong flavor they will conquer everyone.

It's impossible to resist meatballs, whatever the main ingredient. Today we offer you a particular version , also perfect to serve as an appetizer during the holidays: anchovy meatballs. Very simple to prepare, they have an intense flavor which, together with the aromatic herbs and grated lemon peel, makes them truly irresistible.

The fried anchovy balls require few ingredients while as regards the steps they do not differ much from the classic fish balls. Our advice, however, is to avoid blending the anchovies and prefer cutting them with a knife so as to at least partially maintain the consistency of this oily fish.

anchovy meatballs

How to make anchovy meatballs recipe

  1. First, chop the cleaned anchovies with a knife and transfer them to a bowl. You don't need to be too precise.
  2. Also chop the garlic and parsley, essential for flavoring the mixture, then add them to the fish together with the other ingredients: grated lemon zest, pecorino cheese, eggs, a pinch of salt and breadcrumbs just enough to make the mixture more compact.
  3. Form meatballs about the size of a walnut, rolling them well between your hands and, as they are ready, place them on a plate.
  4. In a pan, heat plenty of seed oil and fry the meatballs until they turn golden.
  5. Drain them with a slotted spoon and pass them on absorbent paper before serving. We advise you to accompany them with a squeeze of lemon at the most.

Not only anchovies but also other types of fish can be used to prepare deliciousmeatballs . As a side dish, however, there is nothing better than a boiled potato salad .


The anchovy meatballs are good when freshly made , piping hot and golden brown. However, if you want to prepare them in advance, our advice is to heat them in a pan before serving them.

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