
Are you on a diet? Try the fruit ice cream without cream!

Fruit ice cream without cream

The secret ingredient is the banana to which we will add other seasonal fruit to create a fruit-only ice cream without sugar or milk.

Let's face it: when the warm season arrives, it is impossible to resist the temptation of an excellent ice cream . On the other side of the scale, however, there is the dreaded swimsuit test. So how can we pamper ourselves without sacrificing taste? We prepare fruit-only ice cream, without milk or cream , perfect for young and old.

This ice cream recipe, as well as being customizable in a thousand ways, does not include the addition of sugar , milk or other derivatives. The result is a perfect dessert not only for those who follow a vegan diet , but also for those who are lactose intolerant .

The starting ingredient, the one that will give the recipe its characteristic creaminess, is the banana . To this will be added other fruit to taste. The result will be fruit ice creams that are perfect for the summer, simple to prepare and do not require an ice cream maker .

Fruit ice cream without cream

How to prepare fruit-only ice cream without cream

  1. First of all you need some ice bags , one for each type of fruit you are going to use. The day before, cut the fruit into cubes and put them in the ice bag. Be sure to wash it well and peel it if necessary. We advise you to try it with strawberries, peaches, apricots, melons and cherries.
  2. When the fruit is frozen, transfer it to a powerful food processor , such as the Thermomix, adding a drop of almond milk or other vegetable drink of your choice if necessary. This may not be necessary because the texture depends on the type of fruit used.
  3. Transfer into bowls and serve immediately , perhaps completing with fresh fruit. Try it also in the chocolate version, simply by blending the banana with bitter cocoa and, if you want to create a perfect dessert, enrich it with chopped hazelnuts.

Are you looking for other summer recipes? Try the homemade popsicles . Or, alternatively, here are all our light summer recipes !


Being an express ice cream, the advice is to consume it immediately , as soon as it is ready. If you want, you can also try to keep it in the freezer for a few days, however the consistency could change and crystallize.

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