Back laser: advantages and advice for undergoing the treatment

Back hair, especially if abundant or very dark, can be a source of discomfort for men: it is no surprise that they resort to the most disparate methods to get rid of it.
Among the most effective is the back laser which aims at definitive results, without side effects and at an expense that is now decidedly more accessible than in the past. Here are the most important things to know about laser back hair removal .
What is back laser and how does it work
It is carried out, first of all, by passing special machines over the recently depilated skin which hit the hair bulbs with a high intensity beam of light and, thanks to the heat, destroy them. After undergoing several laser hair removal sessions on the back, at correct intervals of time, the hair no longer grows back and there will no longer be a need to resort to razors, razor blades and waxing.
The main advantage of the back laser is, in short, that of getting rid of annoying unwanted hair once and for all. With the most serious operators it is possible to obtain truly definitive results after a complete cycle of treatments which usually varies between 8 and 12 sessions , although it may be necessary, in some cases, to undergo maintenance sessions (once a year for a couple of years after the initial treatment phase ends).
Laser back hair removal: why more and more men are choosing it
For many men, being able to say goodbye to back hair is a boost of self-esteem : especially if abundant, in fact, back hair can create discomfort at the seaside, in the gym, when you find yourself undressing in front of other people, with your partner.
This treatment is very popular, however, even among those who are most attentive to aesthetics and those who always want to look their best , as is, more generally, permanent hair removal for men .
Among those who undergo back laser surgery there are many athletes for whom excess hair can be rather uncomfortable, difficult to manage and unhygienic.
Men used to shaving different areas of the body appreciate the back laser especially because it is more comfortable , painless and safer than other methods: it is almost impossible to pass the razor on your back yourself, furthermore, where there is more hair the tearing of waxing it can be particularly annoying and non-definitive methods if used very frequently end up causing damage to the skin such as hypersensitivity, folliculitis, etc.

Back laser: when it works best
The back laser, however, is recommended and safe for all skin types, especially if you use the latest generation machinery and turn to specialized operators with great experience. Traditionally, laser hair removal is recommended, because the guaranteed results are greater, for those with a light complexion and particularly dark hair . The most modern lasers, however, also work well on lighter hair, such as that which often covers the back. Among the customers who undergo laser back hair removal sessions there are, not surprisingly, people who wish to eliminate those hairs which, escaping waxing and other methods, are evident in sunlight or under artificial lights. Added to these are those who have not managed to get rid of unwanted hair with other treatments and those who, as they age, have seen patches of hair appear on their back that they previously did not have.
When to undergo a back laser session and what precautions to take
As mentioned, back laser is safe for everyone and in all conditions, but it is still better to contact a trusted operator for preventive advice. The correct preparation of the skin before the session according to the indications of the center or the aesthetic operator you have turned to, for example avoiding the use of cosmetics or excessive physical activity immediately before the treatment, is important to avoid redness and irritations.
Men's back laser: duration and costs of sessions
Back laser sessions last on average 30-40 minutes . The results are already visible after the first one, with the hair on the back growing back less and less quickly and less and less thick. Typically, 8 to 12 sessions are needed to eliminate them completely. The price of a back laser session, given that it is a large area, among the most reliable operators in Italy, varies from 150 to over 300 euros .
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