Bigoli in sauce with anchovies, the tasty first course from Veneto
From the Venetian tradition comes the simple and quick recipe for serving bigoli in sauce with anchovies, a typical fresh pasta.
To make lunch special, here is a first course from Veneto. Belonging to a long tradition, the recipe for bigoli in sauce is very tasty, as well as simple to make. Bigoli are a fresh pasta, with a rough and porous texture, very common in this area. In this preparation, they are served with a succulent sauce made with anchovies ; however, there are also other versions that plan to season it with anchovies or sardines. Flavored with a few common ingredients, including onion and parsley, this pasta is a real treat for a lunch with friends.

Preparing the recipe for bigoli in sauce
- Take a pan with a non-stick bottom and pour the oil into it, slowly.
- Peel and clean the onion, cutting it into very thin slices ; put the slices in the pan.
- Put on the stove and brown over low heat , stirring occasionally.
- Meanwhile, wash and cut the anchovies into small cubes .
- Add them to the pan and brown with the onion.
- Season with a pinch of pepper and, when they are perfectly cooked, turn off the heat.
- Fill a pot with water and salt it. Put it on the fire and, when it comes to a boil, dip the bigoli in it.
- Boil the fresh pasta for the indicated time; when they're al dente, they're ready to be drained! But remember to keep aside a ladle of cooking water.
- Pour the pasta into the pan with the sauce and add the cooking water, kept aside.
- Season with chopped parsley and stir for a couple of minutes on the heat, stirring to mix everything together.
- When ready, transfer to plates and serve.
The original recipe for bigoli in salsa is a simple and quick first course to enrich any lunch with flavour. Preservation is not recommended, because it is excellent if enjoyed at the moment.
The recipe for polenta e osei also comes from the Venetian tradition.
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