Bitter orange marmalade

Bitter orange marmalade is one of the most particular and appreciated English recipes (it is the emblem of the United Kingdom). Here's preparation and advice!
Very famous in the United Kingdom , the recipe for bitter orange marmalade is also greatly appreciated by us, especially in southern Italy. Its taste has nothing to do with the classic orange marmalade and is prepared from a typically ornamental fruit cultivated by the Arabs since the 9th century.
In fact, the fruits of Citrus aurantium , or melangolo, are very difficult to enjoy in their natural state: they are very sour and bitter, as well as full of seeds and with very little pulp. But if cooked, they give life to a very aromatic jam, perfect both for desserts and as an accompaniment to mature cheeses.

How to prepare the bitter orange marmalade recipe
- First, wash the bitter oranges, prick the peel with a fork and leave them to soak in water overnight .
- Once the necessary time has passed, dry them and remove the peel using a potato peeler: be careful not to remove the white part, which is very bitter.
- Blanch the peels for 5 minutes in boiling water, drain them and repeat the operation with clean water. Once this is done, cut them into pieces and set aside.
- Squeeze all the juice using a citrus squeezer and remove the seeds. Place the latter together with the white part of the fruit and the remaining pulp in an untreated silk bag and leave it aside.
- At this point, place a pan on the heat, add the juice, water, orange zest and the bag with pulp, peel and seeds and cook for at least 1-2 hours or until the liquid has halved. . Depending on how much you love the bitter taste of this compote, we advise you to keep the silk bag more or less. Once taken, mash it well with a spoon to release all the juice and pectin contained in it.
- Add the sugar and lemon juice and mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Only at this point can you put it back on the heat and boil for 10/15 minutes , stirring with a wooden spoon. Be careful that the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the pan and does not burn. If needed, you can add a few more tablespoons of water.
- Test the saucer : pour a spoonful of jam onto a very cold plate and tilt it . If the jam doesn't slide off very quickly, then it's ready. Alternatively, cook for another 10 minutes.
- Pour the mixture into previously sterilized and dry jars . Close with a new cap and turn them upside down so that the vacuum is formed.
Here is a video recipe to see all the preparation steps.
We advise not to reduce the quantity of sugar too much : this recipe with bitter oranges is truly particular so if you are looking for something lighter we advise you to opt for sugar-free orange marmalade , prepared with a more common and naturally sweet variety, or for orange marmalade with zest.
Place the jars in the pantry for a couple of weeks before enjoying them. If stored correctly it will last for over a year. Once opened, the jars last about two weeks in the fridge.
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