
Boiled artichokes with aromatic mix are the perfect side dish

A side dish that is in season right now, so … let’s take advantage of it! Boiled artichokes with aromatic mix.

The boiled artichokes with an aromatic mix are one of those side dishes that we could consider jolly. This is because they also lend themselves to becoming appetizers, if properly presented, but even aperitifs (imagine them in a cocottina, or in a plate with a nice selection of cheeses).

One recommendation: instead of buying packaged breadcrumbs, which are too fine and would spoil the taste of this preparation, use stale bread that you will coarsely grate yourself, with a mixer.

Artichokes with aromatic mix

Preparation of boiled artichokes with aromatic mix

  1. Start cleaning the artichokes. We recommend that you use gloves, or your fingers will remain brown for a while. Deprive the artichokes of the outermost leaves, part of the stem, the internal barb and also the ends of the leaves , which are thorny.
  2. Divide the artichokes into four parts, and immediately immerse them in water and lemon .
  3. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and boil the artichokes until tender. You can also cook part of the stems, suitably peeled to take only the heart.
  4. Once you have boiled and drained the artichokes, put them in a bowl or plate. Mix, with a few clicks, some stale bread crumbs. Also add some fresh chopped parsley, a clove of minced garlic, some desalted capers, some small pieces of anchovy fillets in oil.
  5. Sprinkle with plenty of oil, which will also soften the bread.
  6. Spread this mix on the artichokes, et voilà!

Serve your boiled artichokes with an aromatic mix as a side dish to various dishes, or as an unpretentious entrée. This is just one of our must-try artichoke recipes !


We recommend keeping this appetizer or side dish for a maximum of 1 day in the refrigerator, well covered with cling film. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

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