Boiled meatballs

Do you love recycled recipes? Try the boiled meatballs and you will fall in love with them. Fried and served with green sauce they are irresistible.
Boiled meat is one of the most traditional recipes we can find in Italian cuisine. Cooking simply boiled meat was a very widespread technique, especially in the Piedmont region where boiled meat really reigns supreme. But if you have leftovers (which is not uncommon given that we always tend to exaggerate with quantities) then try the boiled meatballs.
Unlike the classic meatball recipe, this one uses already cooked meat . There's no point in hiding behind the fact that this meat often remains quite dry, so what should we do? First we added some boiled potatoes and then we opted for an alternative cooking method: trust me, the fried boiled meatballs are sensational!

For the boiled meatballs
- Boiled – 400 g
- Boiled potato – 1
- Parmesan – 2 tablespoons
- Breadcrumbs – 1 tbsp
- Eggs – 1
- Parsley – 1 tbsp
- Garlic – 1 clove
- Salt – to taste
For frying
- Breadcrumbs – to taste
- Eggs – 1
- Seed oil – to taste
How to prepare boiled meatballs
Combine the leftover boiled meat in a blender and chop it quite finely.
Then transfer it into a bowl and add the other ingredients: an egg , the boiled potato (cook it together with the boiled meat to make it tasty), the chopped parsley together with the garlic , the salt , the parmesan and a little breadcrumbs (about 1 tablespoon ).
Mix everything well and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then form meatballs about the size of a walnut. Dip them first in the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs .
Fry them in abundant seed oil at 180°C until they are golden and crispy. Drain them with a slotted spoon and pass them on absorbent paper before serving.
Alternatively you can cook the boiled meatballs in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
Here is a short video with all the steps to make them. As you can see, in this case too they are cooked in the oven but in our opinion frying is really necessary in this recipe : our grandmothers would never have held back!
If you have leftover boiled meat, perhaps there is also some sauce left over. Try the boiled meatballs with green or red sauce. For the little ones, opt for rubra sauce , the local variant of ketchup.
The boiled meatballs can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days . If you used fresh meat for the boiled meat you can also freeze them, once cooked, for up to 3 months.
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