
Brown rice and eye beans, the single dish with a low glycemic index

Brown rice and eye beans, it takes a minimum of time, but it will be well spent, to prepare a dish with extraordinary nutritional qualities.

A natural, complete and very tasty dish. Brown rice and eye beans is delicious and we could define it as a real comfort food . A dish rich in flavor and many precious nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins and proteins contained in beans, which, like brown rice, have a low glycemic index .

Brown rice, not undergoing the refining process, completely preserves all its original qualities such as fiber, proteins, minerals, good sugars. Brown rice, like eye beans, is also a low GI food and does not contain gluten. The only caution? The eye peas are to be soaked the day before. Alternatively, you could use those in a glass jar already cooked.

Beans and rice

Preparation of brown rice and eye beans

  1. Wash the bunch of black cabbage well and cut the leaves into pieces of a few centimeters, then set them aside for a moment.
  2. Wash the rice carefully and put it to cook in a pot with water, it will take about 40 minutes.
  3. Put the beans in a pot full of water and cook them, like the rice, for about 40 minutes .
  4. After the time has elapsed, strain the beans.
  5. In a saucepan, fry the two whole cloves of garlic, the whole chilli pepper and the bay leaf in a drizzle of oil then add the beans and the black cabbage leaves and cook for a few minutes, before adding new water and let them go for 20 minutes .
  6. When the rice is cooked, strain it well.
  7. Serve the eye beans and their broth with a portion of rice sprinkled with extra virgin olive oil next to them. You will add black pepper to the table.

If you like these legumes you cannot fail to try the sausage and beans risotto .


We recommend keeping the dish for a maximum of 1-2 days in the fridge, in two separate containers and with a special lid. We do not recommend freezing.

READ ALSO: How to make pasta and beans? The classic recipe that everyone agrees on

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