
But how good is melon? The best properties and recipes!

Let's find out everything about melon: the period, the nutritional values ​​and the best recipes that can be created with this wonderful fruit!

When summer arrives it is impossible not to think of melon which, together with watermelon , is one of the characteristic fruits of this period . It is the product of the Cucumis melo plant, which belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family.

Its origins are not well known, although it seems to derive from Asia, which is still the most powerful producer of these fruits in the world today. However, today it is one of the most popular foods in the world , thanks to its sweet, tasty and pleasant flavour, also ideal to combine with savory ingredients, but also to its many properties !

By the way, are you sure you know them all? Then follow us!

The properties of melon: nutritional values ​​and benefits

How many calories does melon have? And what are its benefits? First of all, let's start by saying that it is a refreshing fruit , which quenches thirst and has diuretic properties, since its composition is 90% water.


Rich in vitamins , mainly of groups A, C and B3, it also contains potassium (which helps the functioning of the kidneys), phosphorus, calcium (which is why it is a great ally of the bones) and niacin, a substance that acts as an antioxidant .

Its benefits also extend to the skin and nervous system, furthermore it is a food rich in fiber (and with laxative properties) and with satiating power, therefore excellent to include in a slimming diet . It is also suitable for those suffering from anemia, being rich in iron, and is an excellent carrier of mineral salts .

But we haven't answered the calorie question yet! Well, don't worry, melon does not make you fat: for every 100 g of product there are approximately 34 calories . Let's see all the other nutritional values:

  • Water 90.10 g
  • Carbohydrates 7.40 g
  • Soluble sugars 7.40 g
  • Protein 0.80 g
  • Fat 0.20 g
  • Fiber 0.70 g
  • Sodium 8 mg
  • Potassium 333 mg
  • Iron 0.30 mg
  • Calcium 19 mg
  • Phosphorus 13 mg
  • Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin B2 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B3 0.60 mg
  • Vitamin A 189 µg
  • Vitamin C 32 mg

Melon: contraindications

Like all foods, this too must be consumed in reasonable doses and without abusing it, otherwise it can cause negative consequences for our body. If you eat too much of it you risk an electrolyte imbalance due to the low ratios between sodium and potassium, which can lead to the formation of cramps and pain.

Furthermore, it is not really suitable for those suffering from diabetes or gastric disorders .

And what about melon during pregnancy? That's great! Thanks to its thirst-quenching and energetic properties it is a real panacea for facing the summer. But as we just said, don't abuse it!

Melon: most common varieties

The first distinction we must make is between winter and summer fruits. Winter melons can be recognized thanks to the color of their pulp, and the most classic is the yellow one, which is harvested before the end of summer and can be consumed until December. Let's find out more and see which are the most popular!

Cantaloupe melon

cantaloupe melon

This is the most classic of the varieties, and is widespread during the summer season. Its pulp is orange, tending towards red , the skin green or yellowish. Its flavor is very concentrated and rich in sweetness: in short, the summer fruit par excellence !

Yellow or winter melon

yellow melon

It is also called white melon and is consumed from September to December , this can be recognized by its light pulp and juicy consistency. It is also known for its long shelf life , which makes it even sweeter.

Green melon

green melon

Green melon is native to France and Algeria and can be found everywhere. Its pulp is light green in colour, very juicy and rich in flavour, so much so that this fruit is widely used to create delicious desserts. the outside, however, has a pale yellow color.

Recipes with melon

Well, after talking about it for a while we admit that we're hungry too! We are faced with a very sweet fruit which is therefore perfect for creating desserts or fresh and delicious drinks, but also suitable for creating savory dishes, from the most classic… to the most extravagant . Let's see some delicious ideas together!

1. Ham and melon

Ham and melon

Well, what do we tell you to do? There is no more classic dish to offer in summer: there isn't much to prepare here, but what counts is the quality of the ingredients. Choose a beautifully ripe and colorful melon, with sweet and enveloping notes, and a savory and decisive ham , to create a wonderful play of contrasts!

If, however, you want something more original , we leave you with many ideas for serving ham and melon in an alternative way!

2. Melon ice cream

Melon icecream

To make melon ice cream you will need:

  • 1 kg of melon
  • 150 g of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • fresh cream (about 200 g)
  • 100 g of sugar

Clean it, blend it and mix the eggs with the sugar . Then heat the cream and milk in a saucepan and then, with the heat off, add the egg and sugar mixture, mix and cook. Cool everything by adding the blended melon and place in the freezer for at least 10 hours!

For a lighter recipe , why not try melon popsicles ?

3. Melon jam

melon jam

A wonderful discovery , indeed! Melon jam is good, sweet and perfect on bread. It is prepared with:

  • 1 kg of melon
  • 250 g of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Cook the cleaned melon with the sugar and lemon juice for about 30 minutes, removing the foam from time to time, and once the time has passed, blend everything. Transfer the jam into sterilized jars and close them, then leave them to rest in a cool, dry place.

4. Melon risotto

Risotto with ham and melon

Well yes, you can prepare risotto with melon ! The result will be a little sweet, of course, but if balanced in the best way it will be really good! You can use 36 month old Parmesan, pecorino, but also gorgonzola for creaming. Add the melon during cooking so that it melts perfectly . In our recipe we added raw ham to maintain the right flavor: absolutely worth trying!

Ingredients of melon risotto with ham:

  • 320 g of Carnaroli rice
  • 1.5 l of vegetable broth
  • 120 g of raw ham
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 melon
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

5. Melon liqueur


Also known as meloncello , melon liqueur is creamy and fresh: great to enjoy on a warm summer evening with friends. to make it you need to put the fruit pulp in an airtight jar with alcohol and let it rest for a week, stirring every day.

Then filter the liquid and blend the fruit pulp . Add sugar, cream and hot milk to the alcohol and then complete with the melon puree. Filter everything once again and wait a week before tasting it .

Melon liqueur ingredients:

  • 300 g of melon pulp
  • 300 g of sugar
  • 350 ml of 90° alcohol
  • 150 ml of fresh cream
  • 250 ml of milk

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