Capon broth

Capon broth is a must for the Christmas holidays, ideal for bringing tortellini, cappelletti or passatelli to the table but also good on its own.
Capon broth is a traditional Italian dish, particularly appreciated during the Christmas holidays and in the colder seasons. Prepared with capon, a castrated rooster that stands out for its tender and tasty meat, this broth represents a comfort food rich in flavor and substance.
Excellent to enjoy on its own, with fresh pasta such as tortellini or cappelletti , or as a base for other preparations, capon broth is a perfect example of home cooking that enhances simple ingredients through long and patient cooking. Preparing it is very simple but you will have to have a little patience: the cooking takes quite a long time.

How to prepare the capon broth recipe
- First clean all the vegetables : wash and peel the carrots; wash the celery sticks; peel the onion. Then cut them into coarse pieces.
- Flame the capon and rinse it under running water.
- Place the vegetables and meat in a deep pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Keep in mind that the water must be at least double the weight of the meat. Then add a generous pinch of salt .
- Leave to simmer for at least a couple of hours, removing the foam that forms on the surface with a slotted spoon. The broth should never be stirred.
- Once ready, turn off and let cool before placing in the fridge overnight. To degrease the capon broth the following morning, simply remove all the surfaced part with a slotted spoon.
- To filter the broth, another fundamental step, use a fine mesh strainer and pass it through at least a couple of times to ensure it is clear and free of impurities.
You can flavor this broth with spices and herbs such as juniper, cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves, sage and rosemary. However, keep in mind that they could cover the delicate flavor of the broth. However, if you prefer to prepare the capon in broth, the meat should be added only when the water is already boiling so as to preserve its flavour.
Capon broth is excellent on its own, enjoyed in a cup, but is at its best when used to cook tortellini , cappelletti or passatelli . Then keep in mind that to achieve
The capon broth should be stored in the fridge for a maximum of 3 days in an airtight container. The fat that has risen to the surface can be eliminated or left because when the broth is heated it will melt again. It is also possible to freeze it for up to 6 months taking into account the increase in volume during freezing: choose a safe container and leave enough space.
Origin and history
We mentioned that the capon is a rooster that is castrated before reaching sexual maturity. This practice, widespread since ancient times, allowed both to keep more roosters in the same henhouse and to have more tender and tasty meat . Consider that capon has always been donated as a sign of thanks to doctors, clergymen and benefactors. Literature is full of these examples: from the Betrothed , when Renzo brings four as a gift to the lawyer Azzeccagarbugli, to Boccaccio's Decameron .
In more recent times, a 16th century treatise written by Ulisse Aldovarandi mentions its invigorating properties (a bit like chicken broth ).
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