Cat Eye sunglasses: for whom and when they are suitable
Cat Eye sunglasses are the ideal accessory for those who want to show off an always perfect and timeless look.
It is, in fact, an iconic fashion proposal to say the least, capable of transforming any gaze, giving it a feline expression. Cat Eye glasses were created about a century ago, despite having achieved notoriety especially in the 1950s. After a long time, however, they do not go out of fashion and indeed are confirmed as desired and desirable, thanks to their ability to convey the right mix of sensuality and charm: both when it comes to sunglasses and when it comes to view.
An ancient and modern trend at the same time
The Cat Eye frame is decidedly glamorous and allows you to enhance many types of faces. Among other things, it was Marilyn Monroe who made it famous, who showed it off to the cinema in a film that then went down in history: "How to marry a millionaire". It is also thanks to the celebrity of Norma Jeane Mortenson Baker, therefore, that cat-designed eyewear has achieved significant success on a global scale. However, not everyone knows that these particular accessories were created by the American Altina Schinasi, a designer, director and artist who in the 1930s had the intuition to take inspiration from Carnival masks, and specifically from the Harlequin mask. Not surprisingly, she renamed her invention with the name of Harlequin Glasses , i.e. Harlequin glasses.
A state-of-the-art frame
At the end of the Thirties Schinasi even won the Lord & Taylor Annual American Design Award, precisely for having been able to transform a simple eyeglass frame into an avant-garde reality, a fashion accessory . According to Life and Vogue magazines, she even revolutionized the aesthetics and the eyewear industry. Thus, accessories needed simply to correct vision became fashion items capable of adding a touch of elegance to whoever wore them. The transition from prescription lenses to dark ones was then almost automatic, and even now the Cat Eye version of sunglasses are worn by ordinary people and celebrities in every corner of the planet, managing to give a style that is as refined as it is captivating.

Who should use Cat Eye glasses
Facial features are very important and require a specific evaluation to understand which people cat glasses suit best. Of course, the individual's personality must also be taken into account. Choosing a frame of this type means focusing on your femininity and perhaps on a diva attitude, without giving up your passion for vintage fashion. As you can easily imagine, over time the design of these glasses has undergone a remarkable evolution, to the point that today's market offers a great variety of proposals, different in shapes and colors . There is, however, a common trait that cannot be ignored: the traditional upward points, which make the eyes appear longer. A person with a rectangular or elongated face shape should especially resort to square Cat Eye glasses that create a strong look.
The shape of the face
If the face is triangular in shape , however, Cat Eye glasses are very useful because they help to make it harmonious: provided you identify a model that is well proportioned in relation to your features. Glasses should have softer shapes if they are intended for a person with a square or round face: in these circumstances there is a need for a more classic solution . Provided, however, that you pay the utmost attention to the size of the frame, which must not rest on the cheeks.
An object declined in many different versions
In short, whether you opt for a Tom Ford model or another famous brand, Cat Eye glasses are able to satisfy the most diverse style needs thanks to the variety of options available. Declined in numerous variants, they are always harbingers of a vintage flavor resulting from a centuries-old history which however adapts perfectly to the most current modernity.
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