Chestnuts in air fryer

Here's how to make chestnuts cooked in an air fryer and all the advantages that this cooking method brings.
Incredible but true, with the air fryer you can also prepare tasty roasted chestnuts. Its cooking method proceeds thanks to the action of air, so it can be better compared to a ventilated oven. What is certain is that in the air fryer, this tasty food is cooked to perfection: you will love air fryer chestnuts. Furthermore, this new cooking method is very fast, so it also involves less waste of electricity .
With or without soaking
By cooking roasted chestnuts in this appliance you can avoid previously soaking them as long as they are fresh. Usually, we soak chestnuts that are drier, perhaps bought at the supermarket, to make the peel come off more easily. By preparing them in this way, you can peel them in record time , even if they are not soaked.

Preparing the recipe for chestnuts in the air fryer
- As already mentioned, for this cooking process it is not necessary to soak the chestnuts. If you see that they are too dry, you can still decide to keep them in water for 30 minutes , after having cut them in the rounded part with a small knife.
- Before starting, look carefully at the peels and discard any fruit with lesions or holes; if you soak them, discard those that immediately float to the surface.
- Once ready, distribute them in the fryer basket, arranging them in a single row and without overlapping them . Remember not to overfill the basket, otherwise divide the cooking of all the chestnuts into two stages.
- Cook at 180°C for 15 minutes , removing and shaking the basket halfway through cooking to turn them. If the fruits are very large, you can also continue cooking for up to 20 minutes .
- Once cooking is finished, turn off the heat and wrap them in a clean, dry cloth. Leave them wrapped for 5 minutes , then it will be easier to peel them.
- After these minutes, you can serve them and enjoy them immediately, putting into practice the advice on how to peel chestnuts easily .
Here is a video recipe practically identical to our preparation:
Once you've discovered how to make roasted chestnuts in an air fryer, you can use this quick recipe to prepare them whenever you feel like eating them. We recommend consuming them at the moment, however you can also keep them for 1-2 days in the fridge, stored in a food bag .
Another quick and simple method involves cooking chestnuts in the microwave .
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