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Chicken broth

Chicken broth

Chicken (or hen) broth is a basic cooking recipe. Here's how to prepare it easily with very few ingredients.

Chicken broth, in the mentality of older people, is considered the panacea for all ills . The first flu symptoms are enough to push grandmothers into the kitchen to prepare this light-colored, warm and invigorating consommé. It's difficult to say whether this grandmother's remedy really works, but knowing how to make chicken (or chicken) broth doesn't hurt.

Excellent on its own, when you are a little tired and are looking for something nutritious but light, this broth is also excellent for preparing risottos, soups for children or for serving egg pasta (perhaps homemade) in broth. In short, this basic kitchen preparation is truly versatile, but like all the simplest recipes it requires some attention during preparation. The risk of obtaining a heavy and difficult to digest broth is always lurking!

Chicken broth (or hen)
Chicken broth (or hen)

How to make chicken broth recipe

  1. To prepare the broth, start by cleaning the chicken or hen thoroughly, flaming any remaining feathers and rinsing it thoroughly under running water.
  2. Then dry it with kitchen paper and keep it aside.
  3. Also clean the celery, carrot and onion and cut them into pieces of approximately 3 cm.
  4. Place the chicken and vegetables in a sufficiently large pot. You can also flavor the broth with parsley (the stems are better) or other aromatic herbs.
  5. Place on the heat and bring to the boil, keeping the heat high, then reduce it and continue cooking for 2 hours . During this time, skim the surface frequently.
  6. Let cool and transfer to the refrigerator. The following day, remove the layer of fat that has solidified on the surface, filter through a fine mesh strainer and serve.

Chicken broth can be enjoyed in a cup or used to cook pasta, including stuffed pasta and small pasta. Boiled chicken, on the other hand, is a light second course, good to be enjoyed on its own, perhaps with some green sauce or mayonnaise , or used for a delicious chicken salad .

Here is a video with all the steps and some variations compared to the classic recipe. Ours is the simplest and tastiest, ideal for all recipes that require a good broth.


Chicken broth will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days . It is also possible to freeze it for up to 6 months by portioning it into plastic or glass bottles. Just be careful to leave enough space to allow the broth to expand.

Read also
How to make a good meat broth: the secrets to the perfect recipe

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