
Creoles alla Molise, a typical product of central Italy

Creoles alla Molise are a pasta shape similar to spaghetti but with a square section. Here is the original recipe to prepare them.

Molise-style creoles, also known as creoles, are a square-sectioned egg pasta shape similar to spaghetti. Some call spaghetti alla chitarra or Molise Creoles without distinction but in reality the two recipes are different. The former are in fact cut with the guitar and therefore they are all the same, while the latter are cut by hand .

This typical Molise recipe takes its name from the shoelaces that shepherds used during the winter. They are seasoned differently according to the families: from muscovy duck sauce to the more traditional Campuasciana sauce , with pecorino and ham which is what we have decided to prepare given the strong link with the territory.

Molise-style creoles

How to prepare the recipe for Molise-style creoles

  1. First, devote yourself to pasta . Combine the two flours and a pinch of salt in a bowl, mix them and add the eggs. Start kneading with a fork and then continue by hand, on a well floured pastry board. You will need to get a smooth and homogeneous dough that you will let rest for half an hour.
  2. After the resting time, divide it into four parts and roll them out with a rolling pin one by one, until they are 2 mm thick. Sprinkle with semolina, roll up and cut into 2 mm slices to obtain square section spaghetti . As they are ready, wrap them around themselves and let them dry for an hour.
  3. In the meantime, dedicate yourself to preparing the dressing . Finely chop the garlic, onion and red pepper and brown it in a pan with the oil. Then add the bacon beaten with a knife or cut into cubes and brown it for 10 minutes.
  4. Cook the pasta for 5 minutes, drain and toss in the pan with the sauce. Spread out on plates and complete with a sprinkling of pecorino cheese .

Also try the traditional spaghetti alla chitarra recipe before deciding which one is your favorite.


This paste can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days in an airtight container. Before consuming it, heat it in a pan or microwave.

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