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Crêpes without eggs and milk

crepes without eggs and milk

How to prepare crepes without eggs and milk? Ingredients and recipe for the basic recipe to be filled according to your tastes!

Crêpes without eggs and milk are the vegan variant of the classic French crêpes. How many times does it happen that you don't know how to replace eggs , milk, butter or other animal derivatives when preparing desserts? Yet it's really simple, especially in these basic recipes.

This recipe is also perfect for those who are intolerant to these ingredients, or simply want to try something different and lighter . Fill them with what you like and you certainly won't be disappointed: from now on your breakfasts will have a completely different flavour!

Crepes without milk and eggs
Crepes without milk and eggs

How to make crepes without eggs and milk

  1. Dedicate yourself immediately to preparing the crêpes dough without eggs and milk: pour the flour into a large bowl together with a pinch of salt and turmeric , to give it a little colour.
  2. Pour the water slowly until you obtain a batter, then cover it with cling film and transfer it to the refrigerator. He should rest for at least half an hour .
  3. Once the resting time has elapsed, remove the batter from the refrigerator, grease the bottom of a pan with a little oil , place the pan on the heat and let it heat up.
  4. Pour a ladle of batter into the pan, rotate to distribute it on the bottom creating a thin layer.
  5. Cook for about a minute or until the edges begin to lift, then turn the crêpes to the other side to complete cooking. Continue in this way to finish the batter you have.
  6. Place the crepes one by one on a plate and fill as desired .

Here is a short video with all the steps that separate you from water crêpes . Try preparing them with sparkling water : they will be even lighter and more melting on the palate.

Green light for your favorite fillings, sweet or savory. In the first case you can also sweeten the batter with a spoonful of sugar and then fill with hazelnuts, homemade jams, yogurt and fresh fruit or dried fruit butters. But crepes without milk or eggs are also perfect for your savory recipes for special occasions: they are a salvation in case of intolerances or vegan guests.

Take a look at our article entirely dedicated to crêpes to find ideas and suggestions.


The crepes made following this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator, unseasoned, for a maximum of 2 days and well covered in cling film. If you have used fresh ingredients you can also freeze the crepes in the freezer, just place them one on top of the other alternating them with baking paper so that they don't stick.

Read also
Vegan crepes

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