Did you say pasta with radicchio and sausage?

Pasta with radicchio and sausage is one of those quick and easy recipes that can be considered a dinner saver when you are short on time.
Pasta with radicchio and sausage is a tasty first course: for this recipe we decided to use Treviso radicchio which is much richer in taste than the common one. Pasta with Treviso radicchio and sausage is ideal to serve on various occasions , from the most important ones, to everyday lunches. Among the delicious first courses it is absolutely not difficult to make even for those who do not have much skill in the kitchen . Let’s see how to make this recipe step by step.

Preparation of radicchio and sausage pasta
- The first thing to do since it is a quick dish is to boil a pot with water to be able to cook the pasta. In the meantime, you can dedicate yourself to the preparation of the radicchio and sausage sauce.
- Equip yourself with a large pan and fry a drizzle of oil and finely chopped onion inside. As soon as the onion turns golden , add the chopped sausage and stir with a wooden spoon. At this point, blend with red wine.
- While the sausage is cooking a little, cut the radicchio into thin strips , then add it to the sauce with the sausage. Cook it, stirring occasionally. If it seems to you that the sauce is drying too much, add a little cooking water.
- At this point the water should have reached a boil, therefore, add salt and drop the pasta.
- Drain the pasta al dente and pour it directly into the pan. Add the grated pecorino and grated parmesan, a little cooking water and mix to mix well. Serve and serve!
Fanciful variations of pasta with radicchio and sausage: with tomato, with walnuts or Philadelphia
This dish, thanks to the radicchio and the sausage, goes very well with several other ingredients.
- If you want to make this pasta red , you can add 300 ml of tomato puree to the radicchio and sausage sauce and cook it until it has thickened.
- To give a touch of crunchiness to your pasta , you can add a few chopped walnuts directly on the plate. To prepare pasta with radicchio, sausage and walnuts, the preparation remains unchanged.
- To make this pasta even more creamy , at the time of creaming, in addition to the grated cheeses, add 200g of Philadelphia and mix until all the ingredients are well blended.
This delicious first course is excellent when freshly prepared, but if you have any leftovers, keep it in an airtight container in the fridge for a couple of days at the most and reheat it if necessary.
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