
Discovering brunch: what it is and 5 recipes to try!

Halfway between breakfast and lunch, brunch has conquered all of Italy. Let's find out together what it is and what are the ideal recipes to prepare!

With the arrival of the warm season, the desire to party, to be with friends or family and pamper yourself with excellent food is in the air. The ideal day for these revelries is Sunday, but who wants to get up early to organize lunch, after a week spent running between work and commitments? Usually none, that's why we imported the brunch tradition , a meal halfway between breakfast and lunch, it's hard to find the translation of brunch into Italian.

What is brunch?

Brunch was born from the union of two English terms , br(eakfast) and (l)unch, i.e. breakfast and lunch to indicate the period of time in which it is usually consumed, i.e. between 11 and 13.


It was born in England at the end of the 19th century when the nobles used to return from hunting trips hungry and wanted something satisfying, but which at the same time created a climate of conviviality. In this way, buffet courses were served made up of many appetizers, where everyone could help themselves.

Just think that even at the beginning it was customary to distinguish between brunch and blunch : the first usually took place earlier, at a time closer to breakfast, the second instead around lunchtime. Over time, this distinction has disappeared.

Brunch: 5 recipes tried for you

There are no real brunch foods. In principle we can say that sweet and savory coexist within the same meal : we will find muffins, cakes and pancakes together with eggs, toast and sandwiches. Here are our ideas.

American pancakes

1- Pancakes . Inevitable in any self-respecting brunch, pancakes are simple to prepare. In fact, the batter can be made the day before and stored in the refrigerator in a bottle. Don't forget to serve them with maple syrup!

Club Sandwich

2- Club sandwiches . It is the sandwich par excellence, the one most requested in hotels all over the world and the one that best lends itself to various interpretations . Prepare it the day before and store it in the refrigerator until serving.

Blueberry eggless muffins

3- Blueberry Muffins . In a typical self-respecting American brunch, blueberry muffins , i.e. muffins with blueberries, cannot be missing. You can also choose another recipe, but don't discard the idea of ​​muffins: with their shape they are much appreciated by young and old.

Benedict eggs

4- Eggs Benedict . They are a classic along with scrambled or boiled eggs. In short, you choose how, but bring some eggs to the table because they will be the ones to make brunch for you!


5- Bagels . You will amaze everyone with this recipe. Great to make ahead and warm up in the oven or toaster oven , bagels are perfect served with cream cheese, chives and smoked salmon.

To accompany everything, serve steaming cups of hot coffee, tea , but also fruit juices and homemade extracts . Let your guests help themselves: in fact, the watchword is relaxation!

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