
Do you love delicious sauces? Try the venison ragout!

Cooking game is not that difficult and our venison ragù is proof of this. The choice is yours whether to serve it with polenta or with pasta.

The venison ragù is perhaps one of those recipes that only if you have been on holiday in the mountains will you have had the opportunity to taste. The reason is simple: this type of game is not easy to find therefore only those who have a hunter in the family can usually prepare it. Added to this are the long cooking times that discourage most.

However, we can guarantee that whether you prepare the venison ragout for polenta or egg pasta you will be delighted. It is certainly not one of the quick and easy recipes to prepare at the last moment, however it will make your Sundays with the family , especially the winter ones, much tastier.

venison ragout

How to prepare the venison ragù recipe

  1. First, cut the meat into pieces of 5-6 cm per side and put it in a bowl. Place the latter directly under the slightly open tap and leave it for 30 minutes so that it loses the blood and part of the wild flavor .
  2. Then mince it with a meat grinder in order to obtain a minced meat and temporarily keep it aside.
  3. Prepare the sauté by chopping celery, carrot, onion and garlic and browning everything in a pan with the butter and oil. Add the meat and brown it too over medium heat, blending with the red wine .
  4. When you no longer smell alcohol rising from the pan, add the tomato puree, broth and bay leaf and cook for 2 and a half hours , adjusting with salt and pepper and stirring occasionally.

Use your venison ragù with red wine and tomato to dress fresh egg pasta, excellent tagliatelle , or to accompany polenta .


The venison ragù can be kept for 2-3 days in the refrigerator in an airtight container or it can be frozen, already portioned, for over 6 months .

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