
Escalopes with mushrooms

Escalopes with mushrooms

The escalopes with porcini mushrooms are quick and easy to make, a tasty and savory second course. Here's how they prepare!

Today we're preparing some fabulous escalopes with mushrooms, a dish that can be made in just a few minutes, choosing the type of mushrooms and meat you prefer. In today's recipe we will use porcini mushrooms, but if you want you can also use champignon mushrooms or others. As for meat, however, there are those who use veal rump or those who prefer pork, but this dish is also perfect with chicken!

Before starting, however, are you sure you know what a scallop is? It is a slice of meat that is first floured and cooked in a pan, and whose bottom is then worked to create a thick and tasty sauce with which to finish cooking and finally serve the meat. In short, today's watchword is creaminess!

Are you ready to enjoy a wonderful second course ? So let's see immediately how to prepare it: here is the recipe for escalopes with porcini mushrooms.

Escalopes with mushrooms

The recipe for escalopes in white wine and mushrooms

  1. Start by cleaning the mushrooms: remove the earthy base of the stem with a small knife then clean them with a clean kitchen cloth. Pay attention to this cleaning phase, which is very important: if you can, avoid washing the mushrooms under running water, as they could absorb it.
  2. Once you have cleaned them perfectly, cut them into slices and move on to preparing the meat.
  3. Take the slices, remove any fatty parts and place them between two sheets of baking paper, beat them with a meat tenderizer to flatten them slightly and finally flour them.
  4. Place a large frying pan on the heat, melt the butter with a drizzle of oil and add the slices of meat. Sauté for a couple of minutes on each side and pour in the white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and at this point lift the scallops and keep them warm.
  5. In the same pan where you cooked the meat, brown the garlic for a few seconds, then add the porcini and aromatic herbs and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  6. At this point, take the escalopes, add them to the mushrooms and let them infuse for two minutes before serving. Enjoy your meal!

Which meat to use to make scallops?

In our recipe we have chosen to use veal, and more precisely walnuts, but among the most used meats there is also pork: you can opt for pork loin, but loin or tenderloin is also fine. However, there is no single recipe for this preparation. The important thing, in fact, is that the meat is tender and cut into thin slices , maximum 3 mm. So meats such as pork, chicken, veal, turkey are fine, but also lamb, if you want to give a different and original taste to the dish.

Among the most common, there are certainly the veal escalopes with mushrooms. In this case, have thin slices prepared (so you don't have to use a meat tenderizer), a very lean cut. The result will be even softer, and therefore this version is perfect if you have to cook meat for children .

What mushrooms to use with scallops?

Obviously mushrooms are also essential for this preparation. You can choose whether to use fresh (depending on the season) frozen or dried mushrooms, although obviously by choosing them fresh the taste will be more intense and the texture will also be perfect .

Champignons are fine, but you can also experiment with other types. Of course, pay attention to cleaning : use a small brush and at most a kitchen knife, and if you can avoid rinsing them under running water .

If instead you choose dried mushrooms, you will simply have to soak them in advance of preparation in a bowl of warm water: 20 minutes should be enough!

If you liked the recipe for escalopes with mushrooms, discover the video of the preparation , in this case with chicken:

How to preserve scallops with mushrooms

You can store the escalopes with mushrooms in the refrigerator for two days, making sure you store them in an airtight container. In the freezer, on the other hand, they can be kept for a month.

If you liked the escalope recipe, we also recommend those for preparing lots of quick second courses : they will win you over from the first bite!

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