
Fake zucchini pizza

A fake zucchini pizza is what you need for a light but substantial lunch. The recipe is simple and versatile: let's discover all the possible variations.

Are you ready to prepare a zucchini pizza like you've never seen before? We're really talking about a pizza whose dough has, as a basic ingredient, the tastiest and most versatile vegetable around: courgettes. There are so many versions that you can choose to prepare it, as well as the condiments on the surface : in short, in the end you will be able to organize an evening with friends without being afraid of the line.

Today we present it to you with a little flour in the dough : but you can also make a light zucchini pizza without flour, both baked and pan-fried. Let's see together all these variations and how to prepare them at home .

Zucchini pizza

Baked zucchini pizza preparation

  1. First, wash the courgettes thoroughly and cut the waste. Now grate them with the appropriate utensil and let them drain in a colander positioned inside a large bowl and with a weight to facilitate the exit of the water from the vegetables.
  2. Once about 30-40 minutes have passed, squeeze the courgettes well, put them in a second bowl and add the flour, eggs, grated cheese and a pinch of salt.
  3. Mix everything well and divide it into two "loaves", then take a pan or low cake tin of about 25 cm in diameter , cover it with parchment paper and pour half of the dough inside (carry out the same procedure with the other half ).
  4. Bake in a preheated static oven at 200°C for about 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the rustic zucchini pizza, season it to taste and put it in the oven again for another 10 minutes to finish cooking.
  6. Plate up and serve hot

The variants of the zucchini pizza: without flour or in a pan

As we have already revealed initially, this pizza can be prepared in various ways. If you want it even lighter and with fewer carbohydrates , completely eliminate the flour, just add a little more grated cheese (to your taste) and mix everything until you get a sticky but well blended mixture. Once in the oven, the pizza will cook without problems and become delicious.

The other variant, with or without flour, of the zucchini pizza recipe can also be cooked in a pan. We advise you to grease it with a drizzle of oil, place the disc of dough enclosed between two sheets of parchment paper in the pan and let it cook on one side for a few minutes. Before turning the pizza upside down, remove the sheet of parchment paper on top, turn it upside down and let it cook for a few more minutes . Finally season it when it is still in the pan so that the ingredients (and above all the cheese) melt.


Pan-fried or oven-baked zucchini pizza, with or without flour, we recommend consuming it at the moment when it's still warm and enveloping. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

If you also love pizza and want to try a spacey but more classic one , then the Bonci pizza is for you! If, on the other hand, zucchini bewitches you, here are our recipes with zucchini .

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