Fregola zucchini and mussels, a simple first course from Sardinia
Fregola zucchini and mussels, an excellent first course to use fregola, a type of semolina pasta typical of Sardinia.
The recipe for fregola zucchini and mussels is ideal for those who want to prepare particular and different first courses of fish. The fregola, in fact, is a type of semolina pasta produced in Sardinia and which goes very well with fish .
In this case the courgettes are reduced to a puree to make the dish creamy , but, if you prefer, you can leave them in cubes and add them directly to the fregola along with the mussels just before the end of cooking.

Preparation of the Sardinian fregola recipe with vegetables and mussels
- To prepare the courgette and mussels fregola, start by cleaning the mussels well : remove the beard and rinse them well under running cold water.
- Place the mussels in a large pan with a drizzle of oil, garlic and chilli.
- Put on the fire and cook the mussels on a high flame until they are all open.
- Then blanch the zucchini just long enough for them to soften and blend them with the help of an immersion blender to obtain a cream . Salt and pepper.
- Remove the mussels from their shells (apart from a few for the final decoration) and filter the liquid
- In another pan, toast the fregola with the oil then proceed as for the preparation of a classic risotto , combining the hot vegetable broth and the cooking liquid of the mussels.
- When it will be 5 minutes to the end of cooking , add the zucchini puree, season with salt if necessary and finally add the mussels. Serve immediately and enjoy your meal.
If you love recipes with mussels, try the classic spaghetti !
We recommend consuming this Sardinian first course at the moment . At most you can keep it in the fridge for a day. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.
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