
Gluten-free biscuits to dip: perfect for breakfast

Good in milk but also in tea, gluten-free biscuits are perfect for starting the day in the best possible way.

Not all cookies soak in the same way. Furthermore, there are those that go well with milk, those that go well with tea and those that really don't want to get soaked in vegetable drinks. This explains why each of us has his favorite cookie . But what if we told you that there are gluten-free soak biscuits that are good for all occasions?

Exactly, you got it right: we are about to reveal the recipe for gluten-free soaked biscuits, perfect for any moment of the day. As always, our preparation only involves the use of natural flours and not ready-made mixes so as to make the recipe accessible to everyone. Curious to find out how they prepare?

Gluten Free Soup Biscuits

How to prepare the gluten-free biscuits recipe

  1. First, break the eggs into a bowl and add the sugar. Whip everything with an electric whisk until you get a clear and frothy mixture.
  2. Then add the milk and oil and give a quick mix.
  3. Now all that remains is to incorporate the other dry ingredients : sifted flour and starch, baking powder and lemon zest (or vanilla). Gently mix from bottom to top so as not to disassemble the compound.
  4. You'll get a fairly soft compound but don't worry. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before proceeding.
  5. Give the biscuits the shape you prefer, from the more classic round to the donut passing through the stick (the important thing is that they do not exceed a centimeter in thickness) and as they are ready, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake them at 180°C for 20 minutes and let them cool on the pan before consuming them.

Are you in a hurry? Try our gluten-free biscuits with the Thermomix : they are really delicious.


The gluten-free biscuits for dipping can be kept in a glass jar for a week .

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