
Ingredients and recipe for preparing gnummareddi, one of the symbolic dishes of the cuisine of some regions of Southern Italy!
Gnummareddi are particular rolls made mainly with lamb or kid offal which are then wrapped in casing. This particular dish is prepared in numerous variations. It is possible, in fact, to find it not only in Lucanian cuisine, but also in Abruzzo and Calabria, but it is not known what the precise place of origin is.
Changing the city or country of origin also changes the name by which this dish is called. The name originates from the ancient gnomerru or "elbow" , and it is from here that the name of the product derives. Below we propose the Lucanian version. Let's see all the preparation steps right away.

Preparation: how to make gnummareddi
- First, rinse the entrails thoroughly, then soak them in a bowl of water and salt and leave to rest for 12 hours .
- Then drain the entrails and dry them well with kitchen paper. Also carefully clean the casing and cut the rest of the entrails into small pieces.
- Season the entrails with salt, lard, garlic, chopped chilli pepper and chopped parsley.
- Cut the casing into pieces of approximately 20 cm , distribute the entrails and a bay leaf per roll on top.
- Roll up and wrap with the pieces of casing. To make sure the filling doesn't come out you can also equip yourself with lamb net cut into pieces, in which you will wrap the filling.
- Roast the rolls on the grill, otherwise on a grill.
- Serve on crusty bread or accompanied with cheeses, onions or stewed peppers as tradition dictates.
For a similar recipe, but typical of Molise, also try torcinelli .
We recommend consuming the offal rolls at the moment , you can leave them for a maximum of 1 day in the fridge , in a special container with an airtight lid.
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