Homemade carasau bread: good and crunchy

Carasau bread is a typical product of Sardinia, famous for its crunchiness. Rich in history, it is still famous all over the world for its goodness. Let’s find out the original recipe to prepare it at home.
Among the typical dishes of Italian cuisine we cannot fail to mention the carasau bread. Typical dish of Sardinia is in fact now famous all over the world for its being very thin and crunchy.
Also known as a “music card”, this typical product can be enjoyed either alone or accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses (or even with sauce). Its goodness means that even the crumbs are consumed, so much so that it is not uncommon to eat it even in the morning for breakfast.
So let’s find out how carasau bread is made at home too!

Preparation of the recipe for homemade carasau bread
- Start by dissolving the yeast in a glass of water.
- In a large bowl, pour the semolina together with the water and start mixing by adding a pinch of salt.
- When you get a mixture that can be worked with your hands, give it the shape of a ball and let it rise for about 15 minutes.
- Once the time has passed, divide the dough into three or four loaves . Make some thin discs (the height should not exceed 5 mm) and arrange them on a clean cloth and dusted with semolina.
- Let it rest for another three hours .
- After the time has elapsed, take the discs and spread them out with a rolling pin, making them as wide as possible.
- Place in the oven at maximum temperature (if you have a refractory stone, use that) and cook for 15 minutes or in any case until it starts to swell.
- Remove the bread from the oven and pierce it, cut it in half to obtain two sheets.
- Return both to the oven to dry them internally.
If you liked this recipe, try the carasau bread pizza ! This bread goes well with cured meats and cheeses and is excellent when accompanied by sauces. It can also be crunchy for soups or soups and is a good variant for lasagna, turning into a really tasty first course.
Carasau bread with healthy ingredients can also be stored for three or four days in a bread bag. For this Sardinian bread, the recipe includes so few ingredients that it is a healthy and genuine product.
Original recipe of carasau bread: history and origin of the dish
Pane carasau has a very ancient history and is mainly linked to sheep farming. In Sardinia it was in fact prepared by wives and daughters for those who took care of the pastures . By making carasau bread with an original recipe, you have a bread that can last for a long time without losing its fragrance . Very useful for those who spent all day away from home.
Obviously, even today, it is a much loved bread that is eaten every day in Sardinia.
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