How to carve the pumpkin for Halloween
To carve the pumpkin for Halloween you need the right pumpkin and good knives. Here's how to do it, how it lights up and how to best preserve it.
Halloween is a festival of Anglo-Saxon origin which, in recent years, has also been celebrated in Italy. After all, especially for the little ones, it is impossible to resist the temptation to go house to house to show the famous formula "trick or treat". But in addition to sweets, there is another thing that Halloween does right away: Jack o'lantern . For this reason, today we reveal how to carve the pumpkin for Halloween in a simple way starting from the choice of the pumpkin to its conservation , also passing through the necessary tools .

How to choose the pumpkin for Halloween
In order for Halloween pumpkin carving to be as simple as possible, you need to purchase the right variety of pumpkin. Today on the market there is a specific pumpkin for Halloween , large and with a thin skin.
The important thing is that if you decide to buy other varieties the outer part is orange, just as tradition dictates, that it is nice big so as not to make too much effort and finally that the skin is thin or carving it will be really impossible.
How to make Halloween pumpkin
Before creating the monstrous cuts on the pumpkin, it is necessary to dig the inside . To do this, first of all, remove the cap near the petiole with a serrated cut (spectacular but complex) or smooth.
Then with the help of a spoon, remove all the internal part with seeds and filaments. Some even dig into the actual pulp, leaving only a thin layer attached to the peel. This step is not mandatory but it will then make the lighting much more beautiful.
Once this is done, no special tools are needed to carve the pumpkin. A sharp knife , pencil and marker will suffice. In fact, to obtain a perfect engraving, our advice is to first draw the figure you want to create in pencil, then go over it with the marker and finally proceed with the cut. It will take some patience but we guarantee that the result will be truly perfect.
To light up the pumpkin we recommend using a small candle, even a Led one , to be placed directly inside. But first it is advisable to treat it so that it will keep as long as possible. In fact, the Halloween pumpkin can also be prepared a few days in advance to start decorating the house, but the risk is that it will get moldy.
To avoid this, prepare a solution of equal parts of water and bleach and spray it on the inside and on the cuts. Then go over the cuts with petroleum jelly to seal them. Et voilĂ , that's it! Haven't found the right pumpkin or do you just love to get out of the crowd? Carve more fruit and vegetables for Halloween !
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