
How to cut and serve watermelon?

Sweet and thirst-quenching, it is one of the most popular fruits during the summer season. Here's how to cut watermelon and some ideas on how to serve it.

Watermelon (or watermelon, if you prefer), a sweet and thirst-quenching fruit, is the undisputed protagonist of summer. However, its gigantic size (it can weigh over 20 kg) makes it difficult to cut . This is why today we try to understand together how to cut watermelon. And then, once cut, let's see how we can serve it in an original way.

There are many ways to obtain a perfect cut without too much effort and the trick mostly lies in the right choice of knife: let's go in order…

How to cut watermelon?

  1. Before proceeding with cutting the watermelon, rinse it thoroughly under water to remove any residual soil.
  2. Once this is done, get a cutting board and a long-bladed serrated knife , just like the one you use to cut bread. This type of blade is in fact perfect for cutting all those foods characterized by hard rind and soft pulp.
  3. Now, holding the watermelon firmly with one hand, remove the two lateral parts, the ends of the fruit , with a clean cut. Rotate the watermelon and place it on the cutting board using the flat surface that has been created which will prevent the fruit from rolling.
  4. If it's a large, whole watermelon we need to cut it in half . Start by making a groove with the knife in the middle of the fruit.
  5. Then deepen the cut by inserting the serrated blade further and further, perhaps using the tip to penetrate more easily but being careful not to hurt yourself.
  6. Once you get past the outer band, dividing the watermelon into two parts will be very simple. One trick is to remove the stem beforehand, as it is the hardest part of the fruit.

At this point you can proceed in different ways for the presentation .

How to serve watermelon: cuts and shapes

There are many ways to serve watermelon: sliced, as a popsicle, as cubes or as spheres. Here are the methods for preparing the fruit and bringing it to the table .

Cut the watermelon into slices

Watermelon cut into slices

The most classic way is to cut it into slices . Divide it first in half and then into segments, passing the knife blade between the dark green lines of the peel. In this way, in fact, the seeds will be clearly visible and easier to remove.

You can serve the slices whole or cut them perpendicular to the length to obtain triangles . Remove or keep the peel as needed.

Watermelon cut into cubes

Watermelon cut into cubes

The watermelon slices, on the other hand, can be served whole or cut into pieces . In this case it is advisable to present them without the seeds, so as to make consumption more immediate.

To cut them into fairly linear cubes you will have to take 1/4 of a watermelon and cut it into segments of the same thickness reaching up to the green rind but without cutting it . At this point cut the pulp from the long side by making equidistant cuts so as to obtain the first cubes. Finally cut the pulp along the edge and place the cubes in a bowl.

Here is a video to help you understand how to cut watermelon into cubes and effortlessly, using a small and easier to handle watermelon:

Watermelon in disk or on stick

Watermelon cut into discs or sticks

Another way to serve it is to cut it into discs . To obtain them, proceed with cuts along the width of approximately 2-3 cm thick. In this way you can prepare the famous watermelon pizza or cut it into wedges , just like you usually cut pizza, and skewer each one on an ice cream stick.

To create something cuter for the children, remove the seeds from each disc and cut shapes with a pastry cutter of your choice.

Watermelon balls

Watermelon balls

Adding watermelon to the fruit salad can be a lot of fun especially if you use a special scoop or pipe cleaner (if you don't have one you can also use the ice cream scooper). Of different sizes, these tools allow you to obtain beautiful watermelon spheres, also excellent for preparing fruit skewers .

Do you love this fruit too? Here are all our watermelon recipes !

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