
How to make a frappuccino: the recipe for the American milkshake

The frappuccino is a delicious drink that you can enjoy for breakfast or as a substantial support for an excellent snack.

The frappuccino is a drink launched into the world by a well-known international chain specialized in the production of cappuccinos, lattes and many other drinks, at least in our country, typical of breakfast: you understood correctly, it's Starbucks . As the name suggests, the Starbucks frappuccino is created by combining the creaminess of a milkshake with the goodness of a cappuccino.

What we propose today is the basic recipe, you can embellish it and make it tempting with many other ingredients. Typically, it is topped with whipped cream and, if desired, chocolate sauce. All the ingredients are used cold and it is, therefore, a refreshing drink very suitable for hot seasons .


Preparing the frappuccino

  1. Pour the cold milk, cold coffee and sugar (quantity to taste) into a blender or mixer.
  2. Blend well, then add the cubed ice.
  3. Blend again for about 30-40 seconds, until the ice is completely crushed.
  4. It's vanilla time. Another ten seconds of blender and the frappuccino is ready.
  5. Separately, whip the fresh liquid cream with an electric whisk until it is stiff, sweeten it if you like.
  6. Pour the frappuccino into a large glass, finally complete with the whipped cream and a round of chocolate topping which you can prepare quickly by mixing a little cold water with some sugar and bitter cocoa powder.

And here is a video recipe very similar to our preparation, if it weren't for the use of spray cream instead of fresh whipped cream:

The variations of the cold drink

There are many variations registered and prepared in Starbucks stores, but they are also very easy to make at home , just replace the coffee with another base, or reduce the dose until you obtain a delicious Frappuccino.

Matcha tea frappuccino

But let's see together the most interesting and easy to replicate variations:

  • Vegan Frappuccino . Nothing could be simpler, you simply have to replace the cow's milk with vegetable milk. The same goes for the cream, they sell excellent soy-based cream on the market that whips like the classic one, but perhaps remains firmer.
  • Decaffeinated Frappuccino . Also in this case it will be enough to modify the coffee base with decaffeinated coffee.
  • Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino . Increasingly fashionable, Japanese matcha green tea is much creamier than normal tea, and with a very intense colour. For this reason many replace it with coffee in more classic preparations. Today we will replace it with coffee to prepare a 100% green frappuccino. natural.
  • Fruit based Frappuccino . These versions are not the official ones, but you can easily make them at home by replacing the coffee with a fruit of your choice. The most recommended are the classic strawberry, but also the banana. Being fried mixed with milk and ice, let's say that they are very, very similar to classic milkshakes.

If you liked this recipe, also learn how to make a delicious coffee cream !


Enjoy this drink immediately, perhaps as a snack or for a delicious and substantial meal. We do not recommend storing the Frappuccino for more than a few hours in the refrigerator. Then pay attention to the cream : leave it aside in a bowl with cling film for a maximum of one day.

History and origins of the frappuccino

The Frappuccino is a registered trademark of the American beverage chain, Starbucks , but its origins appear to be older. It was in fact created, named, registered and sold by George Howell's The Coffee Connection coffee shop chain in eastern Massachusetts. When Starbucks acquired The Coffee Connection in 1994, it also gained the rights to produce, use and sell the Frappuccino.

The drink was launched under the Starbucks brand in 1995 and, over the years, many variations of the cold drink were created.

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