
How to make a soft and tasty roast of veal with milk

The tenderness of this meat will make you melt with pleasure: here's how to make a very soft roast of veal with milk.

Roast veal with milk is a special recipe , an easy second course that everyone really likes, ideal to accompany with fantastic baked potatoes. What is the advantage of cooking meat with milk? The plus is all in tenderness: the milk, in fact, will make the meat very tender and will also create a delicate and creamy cooking base . The sauce, consisting of a mixture of vegetables, as well as milk and flour, can be used as a dressing for the slices of meat.

What do you think, have we convinced you? Then follow us and let's prepare our veal with milk.

Roast veal with milk

How to make roast with milk: the recipe

  1. To prepare your roast veal with milk, first cut the vegetables into cubes for the fried mixture, that is the classic celery, white onion and carrot, and set aside for a moment.
  2. Tie the bell of veal with a kitchen string (it is the most suitable cut for this type of preparation), and then brown it on both sides in a pan in which you previously melted the butter.
  3. When the roast is sealed during cooking, remove it from the pan and in its place brown the vegetables of the sauce , to which you can also add garlic and bay leaf (or other flavorings to your liking).
  4. Once the vegetables are browned, put the veal back in the pot, blend with the dry white wine, and let the alcohol evaporate. Then season with salt and pepper, then pour in the milk already heated separately, and cover with a lid . Cook for about an hour and after the necessary time check with a toothpick that your veal is cooked.
  5. At this point you can create a delicious sauce with the broth in which you have cooked your roast: how? Blending everything with a minipeemer (remove the garlic and bay leaves first) and adding an emulsion of water and flour prepared separately. Obviously, first place the roast on a plate, which you will then cut into slices.
  6. Cook the sauce for a few minutes, checking that it thickens at the right point: you are now ready to serve.

If you love this type of preparation, try the roast in the oven


We recommend keeping the second dish for a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator, well covered with cling film. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

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