
How to make lemon sorbet, a fresh and creamy recipe

Let's find out the characteristics and how the lemon sorbet is made: a classic of Italian cuisine, to be enjoyed as a snack or as an end of a meal.

Typical cold dessert to be served with a spoon, it is considered the progenitor of ice cream: lemon sorbet is a water-based dessert that is generally flavored with fruit or liqueurs. Traditional sorbet has a semi-dense consistency, melts fairly quickly and can include the addition of an alcoholic substance such as wine or liqueur, which is why it is recommended to serve lemon sorbet to drink in practical glasses with straw or teaspoon. Some also add half a whipped egg white to make the lemon sorbet creamy and fluffy.

Here is the lemon sorbet recipe, perfect to prepare even without ice cream.

Lemon sorbet

Preparation of lemon sorbet without ice cream maker

  1. Start with lemons. Wash them and cut out the zest with a small knife, being careful not to get to the white part, which is more bitter. Then squeeze the lemons and strain the juice with a colander .
  2. In a saucepan, combine the water and sugar, add the lemon zest and put on the fire. Leave for a few minutes while stirring. When the sugar is dissolved, remove from the heat and wait for the mixture to be cold: then always with a sieve, filter everything by removing the zest.
  3. At this point add the lemon juice to this mixture and set aside. Now whip the egg white until stiff and add it to the rest of the liquids. Transfer everything into a tray and freeze r, stirring every hour, for a total of 4 hours.
  4. Before serving, stir one last time.

If you wish, you can add a dash of limoncello .

We can only leave you with many other summer dessert recipes to try!


If you do not consume the sorbet once prepared, you can keep it in the freezer for up to a month.

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