
How to organize the perfect barbecue? The menu, the preparations and … all the secrets

The barbecue is not just a simple preparation, but a real art: let's discover all the secrets to organize a perfect one.

Cooking outdoors, eating with friends, getting your hands dirty with sauce and hunting for the last rib forgotten by everyone: gentlemen and gentlemen, welcome to the fantastic world of grilling. Let's face it, barbecues are loved by everyone. And how could it be the other way around? These are magical moments of pure conviviality, whether they are organized in the home garden, or in amazing locations, perhaps in the mountains or near a lake, or why not … near the sea !

Today we will try to fully explore this universe, analyzing food, cooking techniques , curiosities and much more. In short, are you ready to grill or not? Then let's get it inside!

the perfect grill

The grill menu: what shouldn't be missing from a barbecue?

Let's start with the absolute protagonist : food! The first choice to make is what to serve to your guests: meat, fish, vegetables or … everything? Well, define everything in time and make a complete shopping list, so you don't get caught unprepared the same day .

Also, remember to make sure there are guests with allergies, intolerances or vegetarians , so as to provide a separate menu or suitable for them too!

Grilled meat

grilled meat

You can never go wrong with a grilled meat . We advise you to choose small pieces, in particular:

  • rack of pork ribs
  • skewers
  • pork sausage
  • pork chops
  • chicken (better a good breast)
  • salamelle
  • frankfurters.

Then, the spices and marinade are fundamental. Equip yourself with rosemary, pepper, salt, bay leaf, white wine and extra virgin olive oil and give life to a great marinade. The most foresighted can also put the meat to marinate the day before, otherwise put it the same morning so as to make it flavor well anyway.

Grilled meat should be cooked to perfection. Make sure you have cleaned the grill well and then brush it with a little oil. Make the embers in advance, because it will have to be very hot and it will take a while.

Now is the time to cook the mixed grilled meat! Place not too many foods at a time, or you risk cooking too slow and a slightly crunchy result on the outside.

Seafood Grill

seafood Grill

In addition to the classic meat, you can also opt for a fish-based grill , more refined (and even more expensive!), But able to surprise and leave a delicious memory. Choose strictly fresh fish , you can cook fantastic:

  • grilled prawns
  • swordfish steaks
  • salmon steaks
  • grilled squid
  • mixed skewers .

Also in this case the marinade is essential : you can also use garlic, parsley and mint, for an even fresher result, or soy (with prawns it is wonderful). Ah, and remember that in addition to sauces, fish is delicious when served with lemon !

Cooking fish on the grill is more delicate than cooking meat. In fact, you must not underestimate the risk of it sticking to the grill : check it well, turn it at the right time (use pliers and avoid piercing it with a fork). Finally, keep in mind that too violent cooking will give you dry and stringy fish!

Grilled vegetables

grilled vegetables

Let's now pass to the grilled vegetables . Many believe it is the saddest part, but in reality, if prepared with technique, vegetables can become the protagonists of the day. Which to choose? Well, just use your imagination and you can really range between:

  • radish
  • peppers
  • eggplant
  • zucchini
  • tomatoes
  • onions.

We tell you once again, so you will surely have understood the concept: do not forget about the marinade: it will be she who will make your vegetables tasty and delicious !

It is very important, especially in this case, to choose high quality vegetables, clean them well and cut them into slices of even thickness . Each, then, has its own cooking times: the radicchio cooks in an instant while the aubergines take much longer (and you certainly don't want to leave them raw!).

Grilled cheeses

As for the cheeses, prepare some delicious grilled tomini , which you can also serve to your vegetarian guests as a main course.

And for those who never want to give up meat, have you ever tried wrapping them with slices of speck ? Seeing is believing.

How to make a barbecue: tips and preparation

Now, after choosing the menu, we move on to the organization . If you want to avoid confusion, difficulties and forgetfulness, here is a complete list of everything you need. Save it and treasure it!

Where to organize a barbecue?

As we have anticipated, there is a specific season for grilling, which is typically done outdoors . Nobody, however, forbids you from grilling even during the colder seasons. But let's go in order !

You can organize your bbq both at home and in public places: in the first case, obviously you need an open space with space for many people (usually people never miss at barbecues!) And therefore a garden, a terrace or a space where you can place the grill and a large table next to it.

In this case, watch out for the cooking fumes , which are always very invasive. Try to arrange the arrangement of the grill and the table in such a way that your guests do not leave full… and smoked !

If, on the other hand, you choose an outdoor space, check that it is congenial to the whole organization and, above all, that it is allowed!

grilled with skewers

What shouldn't be missing from a barbecue?

Once the location has been chosen, we move on to the organization. Yes, because you don't think that having put the house and done the shopping is enough for the success of the operation! In order not to risk moments of panic on the wave of the classic "we forgot the charcoal" , here is a list of items that absolutely must not be missing.

Charcoal (or wood?) One of the fundamental elements. Without charcoal you won't even be able to turn on the grill. However, there are those who prefer wood because it gives a different flavor to food.

Let's say that with charcoal you are never wrong, while knowing how to choose the right wood is more complicated . In case you want to try, avoid pines, firs and cypresses, not indicated due to the high presence of resin, which at high temperatures can release toxic substances. Choose fruit trees such as apple, pear, cherry or peach.

Accessories and cutlery . Then make sure you have the lighter or matches, napkins, glasses, plates and cutlery (of course they are made of plastic, but as you well know it is not the best choice from an ecological point of view), metal cutlery for the grill and trays . aluminum foil for placing the meat or marinating it. Finally, don't forget the separate collection bags and cooler bags, in case you are away from home, to keep drinks cool.

The drinks . There is no self-respecting barbecue without beer and wine . Be generous and don't be afraid, things happen at barbecues that you humans can't even imagine . If you opt for beer or white wine, make sure the temperature is nice and cold. Instead, keep the red wine at room temperature .

The sauces . What are we telling you to do? Grills without sauces are like a sky without stars : mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, tartar, and the inevitable bbq sauce are just the main ones you can choose. Don't forget them, or your guests will curse you for life !

The music . That's right. Whether it's a guitar, a playlist on Spotify or the radio on, it doesn't matter: the barbecue calls the music in turn, don't forget it!

Barbecue and barbecue: what's the difference?

Up to now we have talked about barbecue, but let's admit that sometimes the term barbecue… has escaped us. Well, if the purists are horrified, we are sure that many of you will be wondering if there are any differences .


The answer is yes, and now we will try to explain which ones:

  • The grill is an open structure, where food is cooked and smoke is dispersed into the air. Usually the cut of meat, fish or vegetables is medium-small, and the food is placed on the hot grill, heated by the embers that we have previously prepared with wood or charcoal .
  • The barbecue , on the other hand, is a cooking technique that does not disperse the smoke, as it is equipped with a lid that cooks food by keeping it at a lower but constant temperature. The smoke and heat thus accumulate inside the barbecue and the food cooks perfectly inside, remaining crunchy on the outside. Precisely for this reason it is possible (or even better ) to cook large pieces of meat, fish or other.
    In this case, then, the fire is not direct, but indirect, which guarantees a long, moderate and less violent cooking than that of the grill.
    As for the food, you can use charcoal, even if there are gas bbq cooking, very practical and comfortable .

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