How to preserve anchovies in salt

Salted anchovies are a particular preserve, simple to make at home although some key steps must be respected.
Salted anchovies is a recipe that does not require particular skills, you just need to follow a few instructions for an excellent result. First of all it is important to use fresh and blasted fish , alternatively you can freeze it for 72 hours. Also remember not to wet the anchovies with fresh water to prevent mold from forming.
Anchovies prepared in this way are perfect for making delicious canapés or for giving that touch of flavor to first or second courses of fish. Furthermore, this is where you start if you want to prepare equally tasty anchovies in oil. Are you ready to get to work?

For the salted anchovies
- Anchovies (anchovies) – 2 kg
- Coarse salt – 1 kg
How to prepare the salted anchovies recipe
As mentioned in the introduction, it is advisable to purchase anchovies that have been blasted or fresh and left in the freezer for 72 hours before using them in order to avoid the risk of anisakis. You can skip these steps only if the fish was caught less than 12 hours ago.
First you need to clean the anchovies . Remove the head and pull downwards to remove the entrails. Then pass the inside with your thumb to carry out further cleaning and remove the soft parts. To remove any blood residue you can rinse the anchovies in purified sea water and then let them drain in a colander. Under no circumstances use fresh water or you risk compromising the preparation. Better to skip washing.
Get the special glass container known as arbanella and spread a layer of coarse salt on the bottom.
Start arranging the anchovies alternating head and tail so as to best occupy the space. Once this is done, cover with a layer of coarse salt and continue. Stop 2 cm from the edge with the last layer of fish and cover with coarse salt.
Place a saucer or a piece of slate slightly smaller than the hole in the jar. Place a weight and transfer the salted anchovies to a dark place for 2 months . During this period of time do not eliminate the liquid that forms in the jar, at most you can clean what comes out.
Then close the jar with its cap and store in the pantry until used.
In this video you can see how to arrange the anchovies inside the jar to optimize the space and how much salt to put between one layer and another.
Anchovies and anchovies are the same type of fish. Those preserved in oil are usually called anchovies, while those preserved in salt are called anchovies.
How to clean salted anchovies
To be able to use salted anchovies they must be cleaned, removing the excess salt. Also in this case, avoid using running water: not only will they lose part of their flavor, but they will also tend to break.
Simply put them on a plate without opening them with water and vinegar or with white cooking wine. Let them desalinate then pat them dry with kitchen paper. In our dedicated article you will find all the steps explained.
Salted anchovies (or anchovies) keep in their glass jar for more than 2 years.
Origin and history
The history of anchovies (or anchovies) is closely intertwined with that of the Liguria region. Consider that this blue fish was once nicknamed pan do mâ (bread of the sea) due to its abundance. Already in the Middle Ages there was talk of salted anchovies, called nails in the local dialect, and the profession of anchovy maker existed, different both in terms of taxes and license from that of the fisherman.
Yes, because the Maritime Republic of Genoa loved to apply gabelle (i.e. taxes) . For this reason, in addition to the tax on the Chiapparoli (fishermen who sold fish at the Chiappa market), he introduced one which also affected those who salted and sold anchovies.
Anchovies arrive in nearby Piedmont in a truly unusual way. In fact, they were used by smugglers who moved along the Salt Road to hide salt in barrels, which were subject to very high duties. They thus enter the culinary tradition of the region, becoming the protagonists of dishes such as bagna cauda , ​​anchovies in green sauce and veal with tuna sauce .
Today there is a real production specification that regulates every aspect of this recipe. For example, anchovies used to be salted should be purchased in July and with the full moon, before they spawn, because it is in this period that they are the right size (15-17 cm). The weight above the containers is also established by law: 0.04 kg/cm2 to be placed on the surface to obtain a safe and quality product.
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