
It grows flaky

Marche piadina

The Crescia Sfogliata is the Marche piadina par excellence. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe and how to serve it.

The Crescia Sfogliata from Urbino is a pride of Marche cuisine. Similar to piadina , with which however it should absolutely not be confused under penalty of anger from the inhabitants of the region, it is usually served warm with local cured meats and cheeses . It has an ancient history which we will tell you about, but first we would like to share with you all the secrets for preparing the recipe for Crescia Sfogliata from the Marche region just as tradition dictates.

You probably already have the necessary ingredients in your pantry: flour, eggs and pepper . You will also need lard , an ingredient without which the Marche piadina could not exist. We do not recommend, even if it is possible, to replace it with butter or margarine.

Crescia filo pastry from Urbino

How to prepare the Urbino crescia filo pastry recipe

  1. First, combine the flour in a bowl and add plenty of freshly ground pepper .
  2. Add 50 grams of lard taken from the total and mix quickly with your fingers.
  3. Then add the eggs , salt and water little at a time , always mixing with your hands. As soon as the dough has taken consistency, knead it for a few more minutes on the pastry board.
  4. Then divide it into 8 parts , form balls and leave them to rest covered with cling film for 30 minutes . This step is essential to be able to roll them out.
  5. Using a rolling pin, roll them out one by one until they reach 26 cm in diameter .
  6. Divide the remaining lard between the various sheets and spread it on the surface.
  7. Starting from one edge, roll the dough on itself, tightening it a little, and form a cord then roll it up to form a snail .
  8. Cover again with cling film and leave to rest for an hour in the refrigerator .
  9. Again, roll out the dough with a rolling pin until you obtain a circle of 26 cm in diameter again.
  10. Cook them on the traditional stove or in a non-stick pan until they are golden on both sides. As they are ready, stack them on a plate so they stay warm.

The best way to serve Marche piadina is with typical local cured meats and cheeses. Try it hot with ciauscolo and pecorino or with raw ham and casciotta di Urbino . It is also excellent with wild vegetables sautéed in a pan with oil, garlic and chilli.

In this video you can clearly see the steps for rolling out and peeling the Crescia Marche. It's really simple but that (and the use of lard) is the secret to a perfect consistency.


The growth can be kept in an airtight plastic bag for a couple of days . It is also possible to freeze it , once cold, and let it defrost at room temperature before heating it in a pan and serving it.

Origin and history

The Crescia Sfogliata was born between the 15th and 16th centuries at the court of the Dukes of Urbino . It was considered, not wrongly, a rich bread given the presence of eggs and lard in the dough. Often also used as a base for savory pies filled with meat and vegetables, once beyond the high walls of the castle, it begins to spread among the population who however consume it pure, just as if it were a piadina.

There is also a legend surrounding the birth of this recipe. It seems that the sun , enchanted by the beauty of the city of Urbino, got too close and got stuck between the towers of the Palazzo Ducale. The shape of the star inspired a bread maker and thus Crescia was born, round and golden like the sun. This also explains the reason for the name.

What is the difference between piadina and Crescia Marche?

Crescia, unlike piadina , has a richer dough due to the presence of eggs . In addition to salt, there is an important presence of pepper which gives it a truly particular aroma which goes well with the local products with which it is usually served.

Urbino's flaky piadina also has similarities with two other typical Italian products: watercress and torte al testo .

Read also
Let's prepare the Easter crescia, a soft and delicious savory cake

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