
Jujube jam

Jujube jam

Jujube jam is a preserve with an ancient flavour, perfect for creating rustic cakes but also excellent for spreading on bread.

We all know the saying "ending up in a jujube soup" but few people ask themselves what jujubes are. The inhabitants of central Italy certainly know this, an area where it is still possible to find these fruits in the wild and, perhaps, prepare an excellent jujube jam. Unfortunately, in fact, you cannot rely on the greengrocer or supermarket: jujubes are not easy to buy but if you are lucky enough to have a plant near your home, then this is the recipe for you.

Jujube jam brings to mind ancient flavors and is ideal both for filling tarts, perhaps prepared with wholemeal flour , and for spreading on bread for breakfast. The preparation is very simple and since the fruit resembles a small plum, the most tedious part is removing all the stones. Having said that, let's see the recipe!

Jujube jam

How to prepare the jujube jam recipe

  1. First, wash the fruits well under running water.
  2. Then remove the stone and cut them into pieces, placing them in a sufficiently large pot.
  3. Add the water , the apple cut into pieces and the stone removed, the grated lemon peel and juice and finally the sugar.
  4. Place on the heat and cook until the fruits are tender. It will take 40 to 60 minutes .
  5. Blend everything with an immersion blender and proceed with the saucer test .
  6. If the jam is ready, transfer it while still hot into sterilized jars , close them with a new cap and turn upside down. In this way the vacuum will form on its own without having to resort to boiling.
  7. Once cold, the jars of jujube jam are ready to be stored, well labelled, in the pantry.

Here is a video with all the steps to make this ancient fruit jam. Easy right? Perhaps the hardest part is actually finding the jujubes!

Staying on the subject of jujubes, have you ever tried the famous jujube broth ?


Jujube jam will keep in the pantry for over six months. Once opened, however, it should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within about ten days.

Read also
Jujube liqueur

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