
Jujube liqueur

Jujube liqueur

Jujube liqueur is simple to prepare at home and ideal to serve with coffee. Here is our recipe!

Liqueurs and bitters can be prepared with many ingredients and they all allow excellent results to be obtained. Between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, however, it is a must to prepare jujube liqueur, ideal to serve at the end of a meal as a coffee killer, but also excellent to use as a gastronomic gift.

The first requirement for preparing an excellent jujube liqueur recipe is the choice of the fruit . In fact, they must be properly ripe and free of dents to be able to be used. Furthermore, jujubes cannot be found in the supermarket so just a few trips in the countryside, along the banks of the ditches, will allow you to locate a tree from which to draw.

Jujubes, fruit on the tree

How to make jujube liqueur

  1. First, wash the jujubes carefully under running water. Then dry them with a clean cloth.
  2. Cut half the fruits into chunks and leave the remainder whole, then transfer them to a large jar with a cap.
  3. Flavor with grated lemon zest, cover with alcohol and close.
  4. Let everything macerate for two weeks , shaking the jar once a day.
  5. After two weeks, prepare the syrup by dissolving the sugar in the water and letting it cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Filter the alcohol to remove fruit and lemon zest and add it to the syrup, mixing well.
  7. Pour into bottles and close.

In this video you can see all the steps to make this delicious digestive.

Your jujube liqueur is ready to be served, very cold from the refrigerator . If you have a fair amount of this fruit available, then try the jujube broth too so you will find out once and for all what it is!


This liqueur can be stored in the refrigerator door for several months thanks to the presence of alcohol and sugar.

What are jujubes?

Jujubes are the fruits of the jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba ), a tree belonging to the Rhamnaceae family, native to Asia and cultivated in different parts of the world, especially in warm and temperate regions. Also known as Chinese date due to the similarity of the fruit, in Italy it is present in some regions in the wild. Jujubes look like small drupes (fleshy fruits with a single seed), oval in shape and with a color that varies from green when they are immature to reddish-brown when they ripen. The pulp is sweet and crunchy , while the flavor is reminiscent of apples, with a slight acidic note.

Traditionally, jujubes are eaten both fresh and dried . Dried jujubes are particularly prized in many cultures for their medicinal properties, as they are believed to have beneficial effects on the digestive system, immune system and sleep quality.

Read also
Jujube jam

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