Laser and pulsed light are among the most requested aesthetic treatments also by men in view of the summer

Permanent hair removal for men are, today, among the most requested treatments in specialized beauty centers.
Many customers undergo it to solve an increasingly felt problem regardless of gender: that of excess body hair. Laser and pulsed light , the two most used techniques to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all, act by destroying the hair matrix and thus progressively slowing down its regrowth: this is possible thanks to a mechanism, called selective photothermolysis , which occurs active when a very concentrated beam of light is absorbed by the melanin naturally present in human hair.
This mechanism explains why lasers and pulsed light are more effective when the hair is darker and, to put it very simply, there is more melanin (more modern laser techniques and machinery, however, also work well on light hair and darker skin). Understanding the mechanism of photothermolysis, above all, is important to undergo permanent hair removal correctly and – it must be said – with the right timing.
The approaching summer pushes men to try permanent hair removal
The articles that analyze the trend of male hair removal describe it as an especially seasonal trend: around four out of ten people who turn to beauty centers and other specialized operators to undergo laser or pulsed light treatments do so in view of the summer , to arrive in perfect shape for the swimsuit test.
Showing off a hairless body at the seaside or in the pool is not, however, the only reason that increases the demand for laser or pulsed light sessions in the spring months: with temperatures rising there are those who prefer to get rid of hair which, in areas of the body such as the armpits or groin can increase the sensation of sweating or cause bad odors. Not to mention that with the beautiful days there are more occasions when you do outdoor sports or leave your legs and arms uncovered by clothing and you can feel uncomfortable showing particularly dark or thick hair.

Can laser and pulsed light be done in summer?
However, if you want to arrive at summer with perfectly smooth skin, it is important to move at the right times. It is true, in fact, that with laser and pulsed light the first results begin to be seen after the very first sessions: at this step, however, you will notice above all a slower regrowth and a less thick and robust appearance of the hair. For the hair to disappear definitively , eight to twelve sessions are needed depending on the area treated: a complete treatment to achieve the definitive result therefore lasts a year or more, even if after a few months the visible change is very important.
There is another aspect to consider: due to how lasers and pulsed light work, greater precautions are necessary on the part of the client and the operators in the summer months, since the skin must not be exposed, before and after the sessions, to direct sunlight without high-filter protective creams, and because the machinery used must be of the latest generation and therefore capable of treating all phototypes effectively and safely.
In short, to ensure smooth, hairless skin in the first warm weather, it is best to start booking a personalized consultation in a male hair removal center well in advance: with the help of a specialized operator it will be easier to identify the best treatment for your needs and understand when to start carrying out the sessions to be sure of completing them or at least having reached a good goal in the treatment process before the summer begins.
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