
Lazy breakfast? Try the bottled pancakes

Pancakes in a bottle

Are you looking for quick and easy pancakes to prepare? Bottle pancakes are the recipe for you! Here's how they prepare.

How lazy can you be in the kitchen? In fact, the fact that it is a passion does not mean always having the desire to trade, but above all to wash considerable quantities of dishes and crockery. That's why today we reveal how to prepare pancakes in a bottle, perfect for breakfast and as a snack for the little ones.

The recipe does not differ much from the traditional one. The only difference is that instead of mixing the ingredients together in a bowl, we'll add them all in a bottle . After shaking, pour everything into the pan forming the characteristic breakfast pancakes. Easy right?

Pancakes in a bottle

How to make pancakes in a bottle recipe

1. First, get yourself a clean, dry bottle . Place the funnel and pour all the ingredients inside. We advise you to communicate from the dry ones to prevent the others from being able to pass if the funnel gets wet.

2. Start with the flour, then the baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt.

3. Then pour in the milk and egg and the bulk of the work is done.
4. Remove the funnel, close the bottle and shake until the batter is smooth.

5. Heat a non-stick pan and butter it lightly. Then pour small portions of dough directly from the bottle in order to form many pancakes about 10 cm large .
6. Let them cook over medium heat until the characteristic bubbles begin to form on the surface, then turn them over and continue cooking on the other side as well.

7. As they are ready, distribute them one above the other on a plate and serve with plenty of maple syrup .

And here is the video recipe to prepare them at home in 5 minutes:

Preparing pan cakes is undoubtedly the best way to start the day, but if you follow a vegan diet, here are our pancakes without milk or eggs , which are also simple to prepare in bottles.


Pancakes are good freshly made. At most you can keep the bottle with the batter in the fridge for a day and prepare the pancakes again the following morning. Remember to shake the mixture well before proceeding.

Read also
How to make light pancakes, the recipe for a tasty and very light breakfast!

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