
Let’s go to Greece to find out the recipe for Pita Gyros

Among the typical Greek dishes, pita gyros stands out, a sort of kebab sandwich made from pork enriched with salad, vegetables and tzatziki sauce.

Gyros pita, often called simply gyros, is a typical dish of Greece . Similar in some respects to the Turkish kebab , it is made with pork cooked on a spit roast and served cut into strips in the famous pita bread.

Inside this sort of sandwich, usually eaten as street food , we also find fresh tomato, chips, salad and tzatziki sauce . If you miss Greece or simply love experimenting with ethnic cuisine, don't miss this recipe!


How to prepare the gyros recipe

  1. First prepare the pita , the classic bread inside which the meat is served. In the bowl of the planetary mixer, mix the two flours with the water in which you have dissolved the yeast . Only finally add the salt and a spoonful of oil .
  2. When the dough has come together, remove it from the hook and put it to rise in a bowl, covered with plastic wrap, in the oven off with the light on. After about two hours the dough will have doubled in volume: take it out and divide it into 8 equal parts .
  3. Roll them out with a rolling pin to form discs about half a centimeter thick, oil the surface and bake at 250°C for 5 minutes .
  4. In the meantime, prepare the meat that you will have had your butcher slice very thinly. Cut it into strips , season it with oil, salt and pepper and spread it out on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes .
  5. Also prepare the vegetables: wash the lettuce , slice the tomato and the onion and keep them aside. When the bread and meat are ready, form the pita by filling it with all the ingredients and completing with plenty of tzatziki sauce. The dish is ready!

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