
Let’s make zucchini and shrimp pasta, with photos and videos for a perfect result!

Here is the recipe for zucchini and shrimp pasta, an easy-to-make and delicious dish that can be served on any occasion. In short, the perfect pasta!

Today we see how to make zucchini and shrimp pasta, a first course that everyone has surely eaten at least once in their life. This dish is based on few ingredients, and for this reason it is difficult to find a balance between the various components of the sauce. The most difficult thing of all, for example, is to obtain a shrimp and zucchini sauce well combined with the pasta: with our recipe (and our advice) you will surely have no problems!

Ready? So let's start preparing this pasta with zucchini and shrimp by following the photo steps or the video recipe !

Pasta Zucchini And Shrimps

Preparation of pasta with zucchini and shrimp

To give creaminess to our pasta we will create a zucchini pesto, which will bind all the ingredients making this first course really appetizing.

1. Take 3 courgettes and grate them into a bowl, while the other cut into slices and cook in a pan with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt.

2. Together with the grated courgettes, add the basil, pine nuts, pecorino, parmesan and oil. Blend until you have obtained a colorful and creamy zucchini pesto . Add salt and pepper and mix well.

3. Let's move on to pan cooking. Once the courgettes are soft and cooked, take care of the prawns: after cleaning them, sear them in a pan for about 2 minutes and add the white wine.

4. Now that all the ingredients are ready, all you have to do is boil the pasta in salted water. When it is al dente, toss it in a pan with the zucchini pesto, the whole zucchini and a ladle of cooking water. Add the sautéed prawns, a handful of chopped fresh parsley and, if desired, some toasted pine nuts.

To prepare the pasta with cream, zucchini and shrimp, add a pack of cream after blending the sauce with the white wine. Don't let the cream get too hot or it will tend to coagulate!

Your zucchini and shrimp pasta is ready to serve. Bon appetit ! And if you liked this recipe, we leave you all our best recipes with zucchini or the version of the classic recipe with some variations: you'll love them all!

Variations and suggestions for pasta with shrimps and courgettes

There are so many variations for preparing this first course, let's see together some tips to enrich the recipe and, subsequently, the most famous and gourmet variation of this first course: the recipe for pasta with prawns and zucchini. Before talking about the possible variants, let's start by setting the choice of raw material.

– It is probably obvious but to obtain an unsurpassed taste and appearance you will have to choose very fresh shellfish, better if purchased from your trusted fishmonger and, for those who control the fishing chain , the best choice is to opt for shrimp from the Mediterranean Sea. If you don't have the opportunity or the time to make this type of purchase, you can still opt for frozen shrimp, quick and easy to cook and also cheap.

– Well, now let's move on to our advice on the variations: in addition to the most famous variant with prawns (and not shrimps) you can start with the basic recipe and enrich it with some ingredients that will make it more aromatic and studied: in fact, we recommend adding a sachet of saffron in a ladle of cooking water, dissolve the precious powder and add it to the pasta in creaming with the sauce.

– Another touch from true masters is to add pan-toasted breadcrumbs as a last touch to decorate the dish and give that note of crunchiness that completes it. Another variant that we suggest is the one with cherry tomatoes : dip 150 g of them in the pan when you sauté the pasta for an extra touch of flavor and color!

Our best ideas have run out, but there are so many more just waiting to be discovered through experimentation ! Now let's move on to the latest and best alternative version: let's find out the ingredients and preparation of pasta with prawns and zucchini!

Shrimp and zucchini pasta

Pasta with prawns and zucchini

Many get confused but prawns and prawns are not the same thing. In fact, the former, in terms of cooking, have a more decisive taste, are larger and require more time to cook. If what you are looking for is the recipe for pasta with prawns and courgettes , here is what you will need:

  • 400 g of fusilli
  • 350 g of prawns to clean
  • 4 courgettes without flowers
  • 50 ml of dry white wine
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste
  • a pinch of pepper
  • fresh parsley to taste
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Put some water on the stove and while waiting for it to boil, peel the prawns. Keep the heads and shells aside and blanch them in a pan with garlic, oil and white wine to deglaze. Then filter the scraps (if you want, keep a few heads to decorate the dish ) and use the liquid obtained to cook the zucchini into chunks by adding a glass of water.

After about 5 minutes, add the prawns to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, toss the pasta and drain it directly into the pan with the zucchini and prawns. Bind everything with a little cooking water and serve.


This pasta is exquisite when eaten freshly cooked, it is certain that it could also be served as a cold pasta salad in the evening or the next morning (but not later). If you want you can keep the zucchini and shrimp sauce separately, the advice is to store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1-2 days in a container with an airtight lid.

Read also
How to clean prawns and king prawns to perfection

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