
Linguine alla Nicolo: and don’t call it pasta with tuna

Among the excellences of Italian cuisine are Nicola Pomata's linguine alla Nicolo, then revisited by his son Luigi. Here is the recipe.

The story behind a plate of linguine alla Nicolo has its roots far back in time. It is 1973 when chef Nicola Pomata prepares this sensational first course for the first time on the island of San Pietro, more precisely in Carloforte , in Sardinia. In a very rough way we could call it pasta with tuna, but in reality there is much more behind it.

Let's start with the name, born from an error of the craftsman who carved the sign: from what it should have been, it was transformed into an o . It matters little, however, because Carloforte is an outpost of Liguria where … Genoese is spoken! And in this language Nicola and Nicolo are the same thing. Let's talk about the tuna , a real pride of the island: only the one caught in a fixed trap is used, capturing the oldest specimens that pass along the coast with the mistral wind. And the pasta shape? Strictly linguine that absorb all flavors well. To discover the other ingredients of this dish, you just have to take a look at the recipe.

linguine alla nicolo

How to prepare the recipe for linguine alla Nicolo

  1. First, cook the pasta in abundant salted water for the time indicated on the package.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small pan, heat the oil and butter without boiling them, then turn off and let them cool.
  3. Desalt the capers well and chop them with a knife together with the two varieties of olives, then transfer them to a bowl.
  4. Add the Carloforte tuna chopped with your hands and the sauce based on butter and oil, stirring with a fork.
  5. Drain the pasta and toss it into the bowl with the sauce, adding just a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water. Serve immediately.

Pasta alla Nicolo was later reworked by his son. If you want to prepare it in this version, add the grated rind of half a lemon to the tuna and after having distributed the pasta in the dishes, complete with a sprinkling of pecorino . Whatever they say, it goes great with fish.

Do you love pasta with tuna? Don't miss our personal recipe !


We advise you to consume this quick and easy first course freshly made. As you can see, in fact, the sauce is not heated in a pan but used "raw".

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