
Looking for delicious first courses? Try the white baked pasta with zucchini

Baked pasta with zucchini is a quick and easy first course perfect to prepare in advance and serve even on the most important occasions.

If there is a quick and easy recipe, this is baked pasta with zucchini. Perfect to prepare even a few hours in advance and then bake it just before going to the table, it is one of those ideas that everyone can agree on. Creamy and rich in flavor , it can be made both with ready-made bechamel, perfect if you go in a hurry, or with homemade béchamel.

As for the zucchini instead, you can add them in rounds , after having browned them in a pan with oil and garlic, or create a cream to mix with the béchamel. Baked pasta with zucchini cream is truly incredible, especially if prepared in the tasty variant with ham and provolone. But let’s see in detail how to proceed.

baked pasta with zucchini

How to prepare the recipe for baked pasta with zucchini

  1. First prepare the bechamel . In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the flour, leaving it to cook until it has taken on a hazelnut color. Then pour in the milk, stirring with a whisk and cook until it is firm (keep stirring so that no lumps form). It will take about 10 minutes after which season with nutmeg and salt.
  2. Then wash the courgettes, remove the ends and cut them into rings . If they are very large, you can also cut them first in half or in quarters.
  3. Brown them in a pan with the oil and the garlic clove until golden. Finally, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Boil the pasta for a couple of minutes less than what is written on the package.
  5. Once ready you can proceed in two ways . The first and simplest is to mix béchamel, zucchini and Parmesan cheese and pour everything into a pan suitable for cooking in the oven. The second instead consists in blending 2/3 of the courgettes and adding the cream obtained to the bechamel before mixing everything with the cheese.
  6. In both cases the cooking times do not change: 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

We love rich and tasty recipes so we also tried the baked pasta with zucchini, ham and provola. Nothing too complicated though: we added 150g of each cut into cubes before baking. Needless to say, the result was mind-boggling! If you want to stay on the classic side, however, you can always prepare the traditional baked pasta recipe .


Baked pasta can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days . You can also freeze it already portioned for a month and then put everything back in the oven.

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