
Lovers of delicious salads, don’t miss our recipe with tuna!

tuna salad

Preparing the tuna salad is the right idea when the heat begins to be felt. Here is our quick and easy recipe.

The tuna salad is a perfect fresh dish to prepare in summer when the temperatures get hot and you feel the desire to enjoy light but tasty dishes at the same time. However, we specify that there are many delicious tuna-based salads and ours is just one of the many that you can prepare. Not to mention that customizing it according to your tastes is really simple.

The basic recipe we are referring to includes curly lettuce, fresh tomato and then hard-boiled eggs and tuna. Being a mixed salad, we enriched everything with black olives and red Tropea onion while as regards the dressing we kept it simple by using the tuna oil (if you don't like it, use the olive oil) and a round of vinegar. of Apple.

tuna salad

How to prepare the tuna salad recipe

  1. The first thing to do is to harden the eggs starting from cold water, calculating 8-9 minutes from boiling. Then let them cool well, remove the shell and cut them into quarters.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into chunks then peel the onion and cut it into slices .
  3. Drain the tuna well (you can use the oil of the tuna to dress the salad if you like) and keep it temporarily aside .
  4. Now that all the ingredients are ready, all that remains is to compose the salad . The trick to make it beautiful to look at is to spread out the green part on the bottom of a plate and distribute all the ingredients over it, leaving them separate and without mixing them. Then place the eggs, olives, tomatoes and onion.
  5. Just before serving, season with a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of apple cider vinegar and finally the oil.

Preparing a summer salad with tuna is really simple and if you are looking for other quick and easy recipes. of this type then we advise you to also try the salmon salad .


Like all salads, this one also does not lend itself to being stored . Prepare it and season at the moment, just before serving, to avoid spoiling the green part.

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