Marinated anchovies: the perfect fish appetizer!
Fresh fish is a guarantee of success: here's how to make marinated anchovies, a tasty appetizer to start a dinner with friends in the best possible way.
One thing is certain: if the fish is very fresh, preparing marinated anchovies – a very tasty seafood appetizer whose success depends precisely on the quality of the fish – will already be a guarantee of success. They can be accompanied by crostini or bruschetta and are certainly the ideal opening for a fish-based lunch or dinner. The marinated anchovies will need to rest before being served: this is why it is important to remember to prepare them at least half a day in advance , in order not to risk making the dish less appetizing in a hurry.
For the marinade it is recommended to use glass or ceramic plates or baking dishes and never plastic or metal: this is because the last two materials , in contact with acidic substances, risk releasing harmful substances. Follow us and we will explain how to make marinated anchovies.

Preparation of marinated anchovies

1. Start from the emulsion for the marinade: chop the garlic and parsley and add some oil.

2. Then pour the vinegar, a pinch of salt and the filtered lemon juice into a bowl to prevent seeds or pulp from ending up in the mixture.

3. Mix together to homogenize everything .

4. Now take care of cleaning the fish that will already have to be blast chilled. Remove the head and internal bone from the fish and wash carefully. Put the anchovies in a colander so that they lose the excess water and pat them dry with absorbent paper.

5. Gently arrange the anchovies in a glass or ceramic dish, completely open, and pour the emulsion : take care to completely cover your anchovies. Leave to marinate for at least two hours: the effect will be that of cooking and the fish will turn white. Do not leave to marinate for more than 4 hours or the risk will be to see the anchovies deteriorate.

6. After the necessary time, take another baking dish and carefully arrange the anchovies (without rinsing them): make a first layer and pour over a drizzle of oil and some chopped parsley and, if you like, some fresh chilli pepper cut into small pieces , then proceed with the rest of the layers by repeating the procedure.
7. Put your pan of anchovies in the fridge and let it rest for at least 8 hours .
8. Take them out of the fridge half an hour before serving: your tasty marinated anchovies are ready.
And here is the video recipe to prepare them step by step at home:
If you like this type of fish, try the pasta with anchovies and breadcrumbs !
Tips for the recipe of marinated anchovies
For marinated anchovies, as for any other recipe that calls for the consumption of raw fish, these must first be blast chilled. You can buy them already blast chilled but the advice is to place them in the freezer at -18 degrees for at least 96 hours.
We advise you to do this by placing them on a tray, without overlapping them: you can gut them and clean them before placing them in the freezer, without washing them, then cleaning them once they have thawed.
You can keep the anchovies for a day in the refrigerator , well covered with plastic wrap or sealed in an airtight container.
READ ALSO: Pasta with anchovies (quick and easy): a must try!
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