
Meatloaf Eggplant

Here is the recipe for eggplant meatloaf, a tasty vegetable-based second course that will please everyone!

Every family has its own version of the aubergine meatloaf: there are those who make it with stale bread, those who make it without eggs or even with potatoes. The result? A vegetarian second course, tasty and which you can also consume as a single dish.

If the classic recipe for meat loaf makes us think of winter and hearty lunches, that of aubergine meatloaf immediately recalls summer and dishes that can also be enjoyed cold as soon as the good weather arrives. The aubergines, which are at their best in the warm months, lend themselves perfectly to this recipe.

Our advice is to prepare it the day before and let it rest in the refrigerator : you will delight your vegetarian friends and guests with this meatless second course. So let's find out how to make eggplant meatloaf without meat, to be prepared (also) with the legendary Thermomix!

Meatloaf Eggplant

How to cook eggplant meatloaf

  1. Start washing the aubergines and cut them into cubes.
  2. Brown them in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt. Let them cook covered for about ten minutes, turning from time to time and add half a glass of water as needed.
  3. Then, transfer them to a bowl, add the basil and a little pepper and blend until you get a cream, which you can leave to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, soften the stale bread with water and squeeze it or crumble the sandwich bread.
  5. In a bowl, combine bread and eggplant cream. Add a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs, the egg, the grated cheese and a little more salt and pepper. The final consistency of the vegetable meatloaf mixture must be quite firm: to fix it , you can add some breadcrumbs or a drop of milk.
  6. Finally, spread the mixture on a sheet of baking paper (or inside a loaf pan) with a light layer of breadcrumbs which will serve to give a light breading.
  7. Put the soft cheese cut into cubes in the center and close your vegetable and cheese meatloaf like salami.
  8. Put it on a baking tray covered with parchment paper or in a loaf pan, sprinkle it with a drizzle of oil and cook the eggplant meatloaf in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 40-45 minutes .
Read also
Delicious baked vegetable meatloaf: delicious is an understatement!

Preparation of eggplant meatloaf with the Thermomix

  1. First, soak the bread and squeeze it well.
  2. Now brown the diced aubergines for 3 minutes at 100°C with a spoonful of olive oil; add the salt and cook at 100°C, speed 3, for about 15 minutes.
  3. After cooking, add the basil and blend the aubergines for 7 seconds at speed 8.
  4. Add the egg and the breadcrumbs and mix on speed 4 for 10 seconds. Finally, add the bread that you have kept aside. If the result is too liquid, adjust the consistency with breadcrumbs; if it is too compact, add a drop of milk.
  5. At this point, for cooking the meatloaf, you have two choices: cook it directly in the Thermomix mug or in the oven. For the first option, wrap the mixture in baking paper and place it in the Varoma container. In the mixing bowl, add 700 cl of water and cook (40 minutes, at Varoma temperature). Alternatively, place the meatloaf in a preheated fan oven at 200°C for about 30-40 minutes . Enjoy your meal!


All the versions described for preparing the aubergine meatloaf can be served both hot and cold (but we recommend hot). Keep it for about three days in the fridge in an airtight container.

If you love this preparation, discover all our meatloaf recipes … but also all therecipes with aubergines that we have collected for you !

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