Mixed fried fish: the secrets to making it perfect with our video recipe
Fish fry is one of the most ordered dishes in restaurants. Preparing it at home is quite simple, just follow our recipe.
Who doesn't like fried fish? The most ordered dish in fish restaurants is a typically Italian recipe , probably thanks to the vastness of our coasts. From area to area, only the type of fish used varies, but the breading remains the same . Especially in the south, mixed fried food is served in a street food version inside a cuoppo , a bag of absorbent paper, and enjoyed while walking through the streets.
For excellent fried fish , in addition to fresh fish, only semolina flour and vegetable oil are needed for frying. No batter, no eggs, no breadcrumbs: it requires simplicity and all you need to serve it is salt and lemon slices. Follow the fish fry recipe step by step.
Fish fry recipe: how to prepare it

1. How do you make a fish fry? Starting to choose the protagonist of the dish: the variety is very important as is the freshness of the fish. For the fried food, we recommend using squid, baby octopus, red mullet , anchovies (or small fish), prawns.

2. Start by cleaning the fish. To clean the squid you will first have to remove the head from the bag, then take care of the cartilage, which will have to be removed. Then take care of removing the innards, inserting your fingers inside the bag. Now remove the skin from the squid, also from the tail. Move on to the tentacles: cut the part of the squid just above the eyes, then press the tentacles to extract the tooth. Wash everything well and thoroughly under cold water: you can now cut your squid into rings.

3. Now move on to cleaning the mullets. First of all you will have to peel the fish, using a knife and scraping away starting from the tail and reaching up to the head. Then remove the "moustaches" and the fins. Once this operation is finished, cut the belly of the mullet and remove the innards of the fish. Finally you will now have to fillet, taking care to eliminate any bones present.

4. Now take care of the moscardini. To clean them you will have to turn the head upside down, without making any incisions, and remove the innards. Rinse well under water, then turn the head upside down. To remove the eyes you can help yourself with scissors and make a small incision. The last step is that of the tooth: just push the tentacles to make it come out.

5. Start cleaning the anchovies (or sardines, depending on your preference). Remove the head by pressing the gills with your fingertips and pulling it off. Gently open like a book, then remove the central bone, taking care starting from the head not to remove the tail of the fish.

6. Now the prawns : remove the carapace, remove the intestines with the help of tweezers, arrange on a cutting board as you have already done before with all the rest of the fish.

7. In a container prepare the semolina, which you will need to flour the fish. Then proceeding with the operation, placing the fish on a non-wet surface, to avoid the formation of annoying lumps.
8. Heat the oil in a pan: the temperature will be very important for the success of a good fried dish. The oil will have to be at 180 degrees for the fish to fry really well.
9. When the oil is hot, proceed by type of fish, starting with the mullet, then continuing with the octopus, then with the squid, anchovies and prawns.

10. Drain the fish as soon as it is golden using a slotted spoon . Transfer it to absorbent paper, salt and serve, accompanied by lemon slices.
And here is the video recipe to prepare the fry step by step without errors:
Don't make the mistake of frying the fish all together. This is because each of them has its own cooking time: for the red mullet it will take at least 5 minutes, depending on the size, for the prawns 1-2 minutes.
To be sure of the oil temperature, they advise you to equip yourself with a handy cooking thermometer: it will be very useful not only for frying fish but also for other types of fried food or preparations.
Fried fish is eaten as soon as it is ready , still hot and crunchy. In fact, we advise against keeping it in the fridge after cooking: it is best to consume it immediately, piping hot. In fact, over the hours it will become soft and unappetizing.
READ ALSO: Everything you should know about frying oil
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