
Neapolitan ragout: the original recipe (for those in no hurry)


How is Neapolitan ragu made? Here are the ingredients and the typical Neapolitan recipe perfect for seasoning succulent pasta dishes.

Neapolitan ragù, also known as 'o rraù in dialect, is a typical condiment of Neapolitan cuisine. For the Neapolitans, ragù is an institution and like every typical recipe there are several variations: some use only beef and those who opt for a mixture of pork and beef. The sauce is generally used to flavor pasta, while the meat is eaten as a second course.

The unmistakable characteristic of this recipe is the rather lengthy preparation : true Neapolitans begin preparing the ragù the evening before the day in which it is to be consumed, because the sauce must "pippiare" (simmer) for at least 6 hours . Here is the original recipe step by step!

Neapolitan ragout

Preparation of the Neapolitan ragout

  1. Start by seasoning the chops: these are thin slices of meat that we are going to season with salt, pepper, chopped garlic and parmesan flakes.
  2. At this point, roll up the chops and secure them with toothpicks, then cut the beef and pork into pieces.
  3. Peel the onion, slice it finely and brown it in a large saucepan with a drizzle of oil.
  4. Add the meat and brown well on all sides, pour in the red wine, let the alcohol evaporate then add the tomato paste. (Those who violate it at this point can also add some peeled tomatoes, but it depends on your taste).
  5. Cover with the tomato purée, season with salt and cook over low heat so that the ragù simmers.
  6. Open the lid and cook the ragù for at least a couple of hours (as we told you, however, 6 hours would be perfect ), stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. When needed, if it gets too dry, add water at room temperature.
  7. When cooked, turn off the heat and use the ragù to season pasta and pasta dishes and serve the meat as a second course . Enjoy your meal!

And here is a video recipe to prepare the real Neapolitan ragout:

Alternatively, you can also prepare wild boar ragout and Bolognese meat ragout . And if you have a lot of time, here are all our long recipes to try!


We recommend keeping the Neapolitan sauce overnight before heating it and serving it on the table. You can then keep it in the fridge for 3-4 days , in a special container with a lid. The ragù can also be frozen in the freezer.

READ ALSO: Calabrian ragù, the scent of Sunday in the South

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