Neapolitan-style aubergines in oil

Neapolitan-style aubergines in oil are a truly delicious summer preserve. Here is our recipe for preparing them with garlic, oregano and chilli pepper.
There really is nothing better than homemade preserves : whether they are fruit or vegetables, sweet or savory, they always generate a world of joy when opened. Neapolitan-style aubergines in oil are certainly no exception also because we know well how much they can do with aubergines in those parts.
Neapolitan aubergines in oil differ from other recipes not only for the presence of oregano, garlic and chilli pepper but also for the boiling of the aubergines in vinegar. The result is a preserve whose slightly sour flavor is attenuated by the aubergines and oil. But let's see carefully how to proceed.

How to prepare the recipe for Neapolitan-style aubergines in oil
- First, make sure you use quality aubergines with firm pulp , then wash them under running water and remove the ends.
- Peel them with a knife or a potato peeler then cut into slices half a centimeter thick and then into matchsticks.
- Place them in a colander, placing a handful of salt between each layer. Purging the aubergines is especially useful if you prepare the preserve with vegetables from the garden or the farmer.
- Cover the colander with a plate in contact with the aubergines, place a weight on top (a pan full of water or a bottle) and leave to drain for at least 12 hours , in the refrigerator if the outside temperature is very hot.
- Once the time has passed, squeeze the aubergines very well and leave them to dry on a clean cloth.
- While you wait for them to dry, boil the water with the vinegar and a pinch of salt .
- Place the aubergine fillets in the pan and cook for about 5 minutes .
- Drain them with a slotted spoon and let them cool and dry completely on a cloth. It might take a few hours.
- In the meantime, cut the cored garlic into slices and chop the chilli pepper .
- Arrange some aubergines on the bottom of a sterilized jar then season with oregano , garlic and chilli pepper.
- Cover flush with the oil and continue like this until you reach a centimeter from the edge. Alternatively you can also season everything in a large bowl and then put them in jars, pressing a little to eliminate the air and covering them with a further layer of oil.
- Cover with a new cap without closing and let it rest for a few hours . Then adjust the oil level if necessary and seal the cap.
- Store in the pantry and wait at least a month before consuming them.
Eggplants in oil are perfect to serve as an appetizer together with cheeses, cured meats and bread bruschetta. We also recommend you try the raw aubergines in oil : truly special.
Neapolitan aubergines in oil can be kept in the pantry for a year . Once opened, however, they should be placed in the refrigerator and consumed within a couple of weeks. Always make sure they are well covered in oil.
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